scary monsters

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Summary: little!mitch hates Halloween, because that's when all the monsters came out and he's convinced there are monsters under his bed, plotting to take him away. So, he goes to his daddy for help, knowing his daddy will protect him.

A/N: I thought this would be a cute idea, I guess this counts as a Halloween fic? idk but I'll have one or two more better Halloween fics coming but until then, here is some little!mitch fluff.


Mitch wasn't the biggest fan of Halloween, even growing up. He just hated Halloween. He never liked the scary monsters they always showed on the TV throughout the month of October. They often gave him nightmares, and that's why his daddy never let him watched the scarier movies without him.

But also, Mitchy is convinced that there are monsters out to get him. They're hiding under the bed, and he knows that they're just waiting for the right time to come out and snatch him.

Things are worse around Halloween. Scott started putting up decorations the first week of October, because it's his favorite holiday. Mitch didn't like them, but he never told Scott because he didn't want to make him sad. The decorations made Scott happy, and Mitchy liked seeing him happy.

It's nighttime now and Mitch is alone in his bedroom. He hasn't moved from the spot on his bed because he's terrified that something will reach out and grab him by the ankle. He would scream for his daddy, but his daddy has been busy today and Mitch doesn't want to make him even more stressed.

Mitch takes a deep breath and carefully places his teddy bear beside him. He quietly crawls towards the end of the bed, and then he bends down and glances under the bed. Mitch squeals and jumps out of bed. He runs out of his bedroom. He runs down the hallway to Scott's office.

"Daddy!" Mitchy cries as he runs into Scott's office, tears pouring down his face.

Scott looks over and sits up the second he sees Mitch in tears. "Baby girl, what's wrong?" He asks, instantly wrapping his arm around the smaller boy and pulling him into his lap.

Mitch whimpers and buries his face in Scott's chest, hugging him tightly.

"Mitchy?" Scott asks, looking down at the little. "Hey, talk to me. What happened?"

Mitch sniffs and looks up at Scott. "Sc-Scary m-monsters!"

Scott frowns. "Scary monsters? I'm not sure what you're talking about. Do you mean on the TV? Sweetheart, I told you not to watch those scary movies. They give you nightmares," he warns softly.

Mitch shakes his head. "No, daddy!" He cries. "Under my bed!"

"Under your- what?" Scott asks, even more confused. "Mitchy, you're probably just imagining things. Daddy's very busy right now. I don't have time for this."

Mitch huffs angrily and hits Scott's chest. "You're mean, daddy!" He cries before sliding off of Scott's lap and running out of the office.

"Hey. Mitchell!" Scott yells, shocked. Mitch has never done that before. Scott stands up and runs out of his office. He looks around before running to Mitch's bedroom. The door is shut, and locked. Mitch knows he's not supposed to lock any doors. Scott sighs and takes out his keys, and unlocks Mitch's door.

Scott looks up and frowns when he sees Mitch curled up on his bed, hugging his teddy bear tightly and mumbling things that Scott can't quite understand. Scott feels awful that he made Mitch feel like this.

"Mitchy?" Scott asks, walking into the room slowly.

Mitch looks up and gasps when he sees Scott. He knows he's going to be punished for hitting his daddy. Mitch panics, and grabs his blanket to pull it over his head so he can hide from Scott.

Scott walks over to the bed and sits down. He waits a moment before he reaches over and gently pulls down the blanket, revealing a scared and shaking Mitch. "Mitchy?"

Mitch whimpers when he sees Scott again. "I sorry, daddy! Don't be mad!"

Scott shakes his head. "No, angel. I'm not mad at you. I promise," he says softly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you at all. You're obviously scared of something and I should have protected you. Now, what about these monsters? I'll make them go away. No one scares my princess and gets away with it."

Mitch blushes and points towards under his bed. "Scary monsters! Don't like them," he shakes his head.

"Let daddy take care of the scary monsters, okay?" Scott reaches over and gently kisses Mitch's forehead. He scoots off the bed and gets down on his knees. He looks under the bed, and of course, sees nothing. But he knows Mitch isn't going to rest until "the monsters" are gone.

Scott bites his lip, and then he reaches under the bed and moves stuff around, making some noise, and even throwing a few curse words out, hoping Mitch will buy it as him getting rid of the monsters.

Mitch gasps and leans closer to the edge. "Daddy, you okay?" He asks.

Scott pops his head up and smiles. "I'm perfectly fine, sweetheart. Monsters are all gone," he says.

"All gone?" Mitch asks, his eyes lighting up. "Daddy, you're my hero!"

Scott laughs and sits on the bed again. "What did I tell you? I told you I'd take care of those monsters,"

Mitch squeals and hugs Scott tightly. "Tank you, daddy! I love you!"

"I love you too, my little angel," Scott smiles as he hugs Mitch back. "Will you be okay now?"

"Dada, will you stay with me?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott. "Pwease?"

Scott bites his lip slightly. "I don't know. I have a lot of work to get done..." He mumbles.

"Pweety pwease?" Mitch begs, batting his eyelashes, and giving Scott a puppy dog look. "I be a good boy, and I fall asleep really fast! I need my daddy."

Scott can't help but chuckle. "Oh, alright. I guess I'll say. How can I say no to that face?"

Mitch giggles and crawls into Scott's lap, burying his face in Scott's chest.

Scott lifts him up and then tucks him under the blanket. "There we go," he whispers, gently placing a kiss on Mitch's forehead. He climbs under the bed next to Mitch and wraps an arm around him. "Comfy?"

"Mhm," Mitch nods as he looks up at Scott with a smile on his face.

"Did you brush your teeth like I asked you to earlier?" Scott asks, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm a big boy, daddy. I did it all by myself. See?" Mitch shows his freshly cleaned, and white teeth.

"That's my boy," Scott smiles proudly. "Bedtime now. Close your eyes, and I'll sing you a song. Okay?"

"Okay, dada," Mitch mumbles tiredly before slowly letting his eyes flutter shut.

"Close your eyes, lay your head down.

Now it's time to sleep. May you find great adventure.

As you lie and dream."

Scott smiles and kisses Mitch's forehead once more. "Sweet dreams, my little angel. You are safe now, and no monsters will ever get you as long as I'm here."

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