my sweet demon

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Summary: Mitch is growing stronger as a demon. He's learning his new powers and is constantly training with Scott to better himself. However, there's one thing Mitch wants to do that he's never been able to do before, and that is go to the human world. But, will Scott let him?

A/N: demon mitchy for whil3pigsfly & PTX-Soprano (thanks for being patient!!)

also this is obviously a continuation of 'good to be bad'! :D


Scott smiles as he looks up at the demon straddling him. "You look gorgeous," he whispers.

Mitch grins. "I know I am. You tell me every single day. Are you sure nobody hears us when we do this?" He asks, running his hands down Scott's shirtless chest.

Scott chuckles. "Do you care if anybody hears us?"

Mitch thinks for a moment. "You're right," he says. "I don't care." He lets out a squeal when Scott grabs him and throws him on his back. Mitch gasps as he looks up at Scott with wide eyes.

Scott smirks and leans down to kiss him passionately before pulling away and standing up from the bed.

"What are we doing today?" Mitch asks as he looks up at Scott.

"Besides what we just did?" Scott asks, earning a nod from Mitch. "I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"Can we go to the human world?" Mitch asks hopefully.

Scott blinks a few times as he looks down at Mitch. "The human world?"

"Yeah," Mitch pushes himself up in sitting position. "You've been telling me for months now that you would take me down to the human world but you haven't yet. Is there a reason why?" Mitch asks.

Scott sighs as he looks out the window and runs a hand through his blonde locks. "Mitch..."

"Do you think I won't be able to handle myself? Is that it?" Mitch asks, standing up from the bed.

"Mitch," Scott snaps, making Mitch jump at Scott's harsh tone. "You've been a demon for less than a year, and you're still getting used to how things are run around here in Hell. You're not ready for that yet."

"I am ready, Scott..." Mitch walks up to Scott. "I've been training with you."

Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "You still have a long way to go, my sweet demon. You'll get there eventually. You just still have some angel left in you," he whispers as he gently strokes Mitch's cheek.

Mitch growls and then he slaps Scott's hand away from him. "I am ready!" He yells before storming out of the bedroom. He storms down the hallway, nearly bumping into another demon named Kirstin.

"Oh, hey Mitch. What's...?" Kirstin blinks a few times as she watches Mitch storm down the stairs, throwing other demons out of his way with just a flick of his hand. "Oh no." She turns around and then quickly runs up the stairs and runs back to Scott's bedroom.

Scott looks over when the door opens, raising his eyebrows when he sees Kirstin. "What do you want?"

"Have you talked to Mitch lately?" Kirstin asks.

"Yes," Scott replies. "He was just here like two minutes ago. Why do you ask?"

"He's going out of control," Kirstin says. "Throwing other demons around and shit."

Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "He's just pissed that I won't take him to the human world," he says. He walks over to his window and sighs when he sees Mitch walking away from the mansion.

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