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Summary: AU // Scott rescues a homeless Mitch and brings him to the mansion. Scott becomes intrigued by the young boy and wants to help him, and he doesn't expect to fall in love in the process.


Scott smiles as he walks down the street, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day for a walk, so Scott wasn't missing this opportunity to be out and about. He's been cooped up in the mansion for a couple of days and he was going to go crazy if he has to spend another day in there. His parents didn't like when he went out into the village, because they were worried that something would happen to the "future king". Scott understands, he really does, but he just wishes they would leave him be.

"Get out, and stay out!"

Scott's quickly shaken out of his thoughts when he hears an angry voice. He looks up and sees a woman throwing a young boy out of her shop and into the street. Scott's eyes go wide and he quickly runs over, wanting to make sure that he was okay.

"Oh gosh, are you okay?" Scott asks as he bends down to help him up.

The boy looks up and his eyes instantly go wide when he sees who it is, the Prince. He quickly stands up, suddenly realizing how dirty he was. He would be dead if he got the Prince dirty.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks again, standing up straight.

"I'm f-f-fine," The boy stutters, bowing his head down.

Scott frowns as he examines the boy for a moment. "What's your name?" He asks curiously.

"M-Mitch Grassi," The boy answers instantly, still not looking up at the Prince.

"And, why was that lady throwing you out of her shop? Were you causing trouble?" Scott asks curiously.

"N-N-No S-Sir. I-I was just h-hungry," Mitch answers.

"Hungry?" Scott repeats, his frown deepening. "That's not right. I thought my father was taking care of the homeless problem. Nobody should ever be hungry. Are, um... Are you homeless?"

Mitch slowly nods, he was too ashamed to say anything.

"I'm so sorry," Scott says. "Would you like to come with me?"

Mitch finally looks up, his eyes widen more, and he quickly shakes his head. "N-No Sir, please..."

"I'm not going to hurt you," Scott says quickly. "You're safe with me, I promise."

Mitch hesitates for a second before he starts to follow Scott. They walked for a bit in silence before they came to a stop once they reached a limo. Mitch has barely been in a normal car, but there was a limo.

"Come on," Scott says softly as he opens the door and looks over at Mitch.

Mitch quickly shakes his head. He was a fifthly street rat who doesn't deserve to be in fancy cars.

"Please. I promise it's okay," Scott assures. He reaches over and grabs Mitch's hand and pulls him closer to the limo. "I know what you're thinking, and I want you to stop thinking like that. I'm going to help you."

Mitch doesn't understand why someone like Scott, actual royalty, would want to help him, a peasant.


"Father, you told me that you were taking care of the homeless!" Scott yells quietly.

"Do not shout at me in that tone, Scott," The King, Mr. Hoying, warns as he looks down at his son.

"Nobody should ever have to starve like Mitch has, especially someone as young as him," Scott says.

"Scott, I am doing my best. I'm just one person. This takes time,"

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