you and me

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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch have an arranged marriage, and neither are exactly happy about it. They make a deal, but Mitch instantly regrets that deal when he sees Scott with another boy.

Warnings: It's a little angsty but there's a happy ending (ish).


Mitch takes a deep breath as he stands in front of his new home, his new very large home that he desperately doesn't want anything apart of, but he has no choice or say in the matter. His parents are forcing him to do this despite the fact that Mitch has expressed his hatred for this whole situation.

"I'll get the rest of the boxes,"

Mitch jumps at the sudden voice. He looks over and sees Scott, his now husband.

It's all very weird to Mitch; he's only met Scott for the first time two weeks ago and now they were married, and while Scott was a very nice and young looking boy and he was thankful that his parents chose a boy, that doesn't make this situation better. Mitch should be able to chose he wants to marry himself. He's only sixteen years old and he was married to a boy, who thankfully was also only sixteen years old. The moment he has heard about this arranged marriage, he was terrified his parents chose an older boy.

"Your stuff is already in your room so why don't you go and get settled in?" Scott suggests.

Mitch slowly nods and walks into the house, that was practically a mansion in Mitch's eyes.

Mitch has a sneaky suspicion that his parents only chose Scott because they found out this his parents were extremely rich, which is why he was now living in this monstrous house.

Mitch walks up the staircase and makes his way to his new bedroom. Scott offered the master to bedroom to Mitch and Mitch had been too tired to argue at that point when they talked about it so he just agreed to take it. He doesn't want or need this big bedroom but it was already done.

Mitch spends the next hour cleaning and decorating his room and trying his best to make it feel like home, but it wasn't home and it only makes him wish more that he was back at his parents house in his old room.

Mitch doesn't know how long he's asleep for before Scott wakes him up.

"I'm sorry for waking you," Scott begins. "But I ordered pizza for dinner. Are you hungry?"

Mitch slowly nods and pushes himself up. He looks over at the clock and sees that it's now 7pm, which meant that he slept the whole day which also means that he'll be up all night.

"Look," Scott sighs. "I don't want this anymore than you do..."

Mitch blinks a few times as he looks over at Scott.

"But please, just... talk to me? I don't want to spend the rest of our marriage avoiding each other. Can we please try to get along? At least be civil about you? You're my husband now and I hardly know anything about you besides the fact that you are sixteen, and you're also very pretty."

Mitch blushes and then he takes a deep breath. "Okay," he says quietly.

Scott smiles and then he holds out a hand for Mitch, who takes it, and then Scott pulls Mitch off his bed, and they walk downstairs to the kitchen together, where the pizza was waiting for them.

"I was thinking about hiring a chef, or a professional cook... or something," Scott says as he grabs a plate for himself. He looks over at Mitch and watches as Mitch also grabs a plate.

"Why?" Mitch asks, frowning slightly, as he looks up at Scott.

"Well, I don't know the first thing about cooking. Do you?" Scott asks.

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