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Summary: Scott goes home to Texas for the weekend to visit his family, so Kirstie spends the weekend with Mitch so he wouldn't feel lonely while Scott was gone.


"You really didn't have to do this," Mitch said as he watched his best friend sit beside him.

"Oh, yes I did," Kirstie nodded. "Scott would have killed me if I didn't."

"He just wanted you to make sure I was okay. Though, it is better than being home alone for the weekend. Can you believe that jerk? He left me for three whole days!" Mitch whined.

"Scott's homesick. He needed to go back to Texas to see his family," Kirstie said softly.

"I know," Mitch pouted. "I understand his reasons but it's just... so weird, not being together."

"Well, you two have practically been with each other every day of your lives since you were eight," Kirstie said. "It's normal to feel this way, especially now that you're dating."

"Yeah," Mitch smiled. "Took us long enough, huh?"

"I'd say. I always knew you two were going to end up together," Kirstie giggled.

"It's only been a year, but Scott had a boyfriend so it's not like I could be with him anyways,"

"How did you two end up together anyways?" Kirstie asked curiously.

Mitch shrugged. "Scott needed comfort after the breakup and I was there for him. He became really clingy after, not that I minded though, of course. It just happened really fast but... I'm happy, and as far as I'm concerned, he's happy too."

"Oh trust me, he's happy. Never shuts up about you," Kirstie rolled her eyes.

"Well, what can I say? I'm just an amazing boyfriend," Mitch grinned, and then he pouted when Kirstie had burst into laughter. "Hey! I am!" He shoved her playfully.

"Okay, okay," Kirstie laughed as she sat back up. "So, what should we do tonight?"

"I'm not sure. We can make some popcorn and pop in a movie? Order some dinner?"

"Do you have any nail polish? We could paint our nails!" Kirstie said excitedly.

"Do I have any nail polish? Please girl, do you even know who you're talking to?" Mitch asked.

Kirstie giggled. "Well! Go get your nail polish. We haven't done this in awhile,"

"That's because I don't have Scott to distract me," Mitch grinned and then he stood up from the couch and went to his bedroom to grab some nail polish. He came back with Wyatt following behind him. "Looks like we'll have an audience while we paint our nails."

Kirstie smiled as soon as she saw Wyatt. "Where was he hiding?"

"In my room," Mitch said as he sat back down on the couch. "Asleep on my bed."

"Aw," Kirstie bent down and picked him up. "So big."

"I know, he's growing up so fast. I don't like it," Mitch pouted.

Kirstie smiled and kissed Wyatt once before setting him down beside her.

"Would ever get another sphynx cat if you could?" Kirstie asked randomly.

"I want to really badly... but we're about to be busy with the new world tour and I wouldn't want to have to leave the new cat home with someone else. So, maybe after the tour is finished?" Mitch shrugged.

"Okay, which color?" Kirstie asked as she picked up the five nail polishes that Mitch brought out.

"How about, pink for you and purple for me?" Mitch suggested.

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