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Summary: The members of PTX spend the day with Mitchy after learning about Scott and Mitch's lifestyle.

A/N: This is obviously a continuation of the last one shot :)


"Mitchy?" Scott calls as he looks around for his little. "Baby boy, where are you?"

"Boo!" Mitch yells as he jumps out from his playroom.

Scott jumps slightly and laughs as soon as he sees Mitch. "What on Earth are you doing?"

Mitch giggles. "Rawr! Scary dinosaur!" He yells as he makes his hands claws.

"Scary dinosaur needs to go away for a bit. I invited our friends over, okay?" Scott tells him.

Mitch pouts. "But I was having fun, Daddy. I want to play!" He whines.

"You can play, darling. Take some of your toys to the living room, okay?" Scott tells him.

"Otay!" Mitch says before skipping back into his playroom to grab some toys.

Scott chuckles and shakes his head before heading back downstairs.

It's been a couple weeks now since the rest of Pentatonix had found out about the relationship between Scott and Mitch as well as Mitch being a little. They've been so busy recording that the others hadn't gotten to see Mitch in his little space. Since it's the weekend now... Scott thought he'd invite them over.

Scott thinks it's really nice that the others want to see Mitch in little space so they know what he's like and they can know what to do if they're ever alone with Mitchy. Scott is glad they're being supportive.

Mitch decides to take an armful of his toys down to the living room, because he couldn't pick just one.

"Mitchy, did you bring your whole playroom down here?" Scott asks when he sees Mitch.

Mitch giggles and places his toys on the floor. "No, Daddy!" He sits down on his knees.

Scott hesitates before walking over to Mitch and bending down in front of him. "Hey, look at me..."

Mitch blinks a few times as he looks over at Scott.

"The others are coming over to learn more about you being a little. They wanted to be able to help in case I'm not there for whatever reason, okay? I need you to be on your best behavior today. And, if you are a good boy then... I promise we'll get ice cream when they leave. How's that sound?" Scott asks.

Mitch gasps excitedly. "Ice cream?" His smile widens.

"Yes, but only if you're a good boy, okay?" Scott tells him.

"I be the bestest good boy ever!" Mitch exclaims.

Scott laughs. "I know you will be," he says. He leans closer and kisses Mitch. Scott starts to pull away but stops when Mitch continues the kiss, surprising Scott. "Fu- Mitchy." He moans.

Mitch smiles as he pulls away, and then he starts playing with some of his blocks.

Scott smiles fondly at the smaller boy before shaking his head. "You're gonna be the death of me,"

It's about a half an hour later when Avi, Kevin and Kirstie all show up at Scott and Mitch's house.

"Thanks for coming over today guys," Scott says as he leads them through the house.

"Well, thanks for inviting us over. We're excited to meet Mitchy," Kirstie smiles.

"He's in little space right now so you're just in time. Now Mitchy has a different personality than big Mitch. He's shyer but once he gets out of that shell, super fun. He's not sassy or anything like that," Scott says.

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