cute employee (pt. 2)

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A/N: three books updated today, I'm on a roll!

did anyone else forget about this one? bc I did lmao surprise!


Mitch has been working at Kingsize for over a year now, and he's loved his job. He's made many friends ever since he started working at the restaurant. He went from being sad and depressed to being happy all thanks to Scott. Scott saved him and Mitch will always be grateful to him.

After Scott had gotten him that very expensive car that Mitch loves so much, Mitch wanted to pay Scott back but he just didn't know how. He has the money now and he wants to surprise him.

"You want to throw a surprise party for Scott?" Kirstie asks, a smile forming on his face.

"Yeah. I just wanted to say thank you for everything that he's done for me, and he's done so much for me, Kirstie. I know that his birthday is this weekend so I thought maybe we could throw a little surprise party here at the restaurant. We can invite some of his family and friends. Just a small party," Mitch says.

"I think he would really love that," Kirstie says. "It would be even more special to have his party here. It's been a big year for the restaurant, all thanks to you. Scott would love this."

Mitch blushes. "I just wanted to pay him back for everything that he's done for me," he says.

"That is so cute. How are you two not dating yet?" Kirstie asks.

"Kirst," Mitch groans. "Stop. He's never going to date someone like me."

"Don't say that. It's so obvious that he has a crush on you," Kirstie smirks. "I can see it in his eyes."

"Then why hasn't he asked me out if he's so in love with me?' Mitch asks, rolling his eyes.

"I don't know. He's probably just nervous, or thinks you'll reject him," Kirstie shrugs.

"Well, whatever. I'm just having fun right now. If a man comes along, then a man comes along. However, if Scott does ever ask me out... you bet your ass I'm saying yes," Mitch says.

Kirstie giggles. "He's so hot!" She exclaims. "Did you see his last shirtless selfie?"

"Hell yes. He looks good. You can tell he's been working out!"

"Who are we talking about?"

Mitch jumps when he hears the voice. He turns around and his eyes widen when he sees Scott.

"Nobody. Just some cute boy on instagram," Kirstie says.

"Of course. You two are the queens of gossiping. But, stop gossiping and get back to work," Scott chuckles. 

"Ugh. Fine. You ruin all the fun," Kirstie pouts before standing up. "Talk to you later Mitch!"

"Yeah, text me later..." Mitch winks at her before standing up from his seat as well.

"Hey Mitch, wait..." Scott quickly reaches over and gently grabs Mitch's arm. "I was just wondering... are you busy this weekend?"

Mitch bites his lip slightly. If he wants to surprise Scott, then he can't let Scott know that he's planning a surprise party for him with Kirstie. "Um, actually... I have plans with some friends this weekend, he says.

"Oh. Okay..." Scott frowns. "Well, talk to you later then..."

Mitch hates lying to Scott but at least he's only lying to him for a good cause.


Kirstie and Mitch met up with each other after work on Wednesday to talk about the party on Saturday.

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