the boy in the wheelchair

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Summary: AU // Scott is a troublemaker, and wants to do things his own way. His parents disagree with his choices, and decide to send him away for the summer to hopefully learn responsibilities. Scott doesn't expect to meet a boy that changes him for the better.

A/N: y'all seem to want me to write more disability!scomiche for some reason lol so I wrote this, and if you have anymore disability prompts then please do let me know :)


"You are going to behave, and you are going to look after that young boy this summer," Connie warns as she stares at Scott sternly. "You wouldn't be in this situation if you'd just listen and do what you're told."

"But I'm seventeen years old, mom! You can't keep telling me what to do!" Scott exclaims.

"As long as you live under our house, you follow our rules," Connie snaps. "Isn't that right, Rick?"

"Your mother is right, Scott," Rick says as he places Scott's last suitcase in the trunk of the car.

"Hey, where'd that come from? I didn't even pack my bags," Scott says.

"I know. I packed your bag last night while you were asleep, because I knew you wouldn't. I know it's your way of telling us that you didn't want to go but you're going whether you like it or not."

"Mom, this isn't fair. This is cruel and unusual punishment. Why do I have to spend my summer taking care of some kid with a disability? Shouldn't his parents be doing that?" Scott asks with annoyance.

Connie sighs. "I explained this to you already but it looks like you weren't paying attention,"

"Of course he wasn't, he's too busy being angry at the world!" Rick exclaims.

Connie frowns at her son. "Why are you angry, Scott? You have a nice home, food on the table? A fam-"

"I'm not angry at the world," Scott groans. "I just wanna be able to do whatever I want to do."

"Get your own house, and you'll be able to do that," Rick says.

"But, I'm only seventeen, dad! How do I get my own house when I don't even have a job?" Scott asks, throwing his arms up in the air in frustration. "Ugh, this is so annoying."

"Enough, Scott. Get in the car," Connie warns, glaring at her son.

Scott rolls his eyes before walking over to the passengers side of the car and getting in.

It wasn't a very long drive, luckily. Though, Scott's still not excited at all about having to spend his summer with someone who has a disability. His parents told him that he has to take care of this kid, while the kids parents is gone for the summer. Scott wonders why they're planning on being gone the whole summer, considering their child has a disability. Why put their child's care in the hands of a stranger?

"Okay, listen Scott. I know you're upset about this whole... situation. And, I get it. You shouldn't have to spend your summer taking care of someone else. But, we're doing this for your own good," Rick tries.

"My own good?" Scott asks as he looks over at his dad. "What kind of..."

"Scott," Rick warns. "Cut the attitude, now. This is serious. This kid is in a wheelchair, and he needs help. His parents are busy and won't be here for the summer to care for him. Be pissed off at us all you want, but please try your best to take care of this kid. That's all I ask."

"Whatever," Scott rolls his eyes before getting out of the car.

Rick chuckles and shakes his head, before also getting out of the car. He leads the way up on the porch, and then knocks on the door. They wait a moment before a woman finally opens the door.

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