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Summary: Scott is inviting friends over, and trying to push Little!Mitch away so that he doesn't bother them. However, Mitch isn't having any of it and starts acting up. Things go from bad to worse when Mitch meets one of Scott's new friends.

tayland1999 here is your Little!Mitch :)


Scott had been looking forward to this night for a long time now. He's been really busy lately and hasn't had any time to hang out with his friends due to how busy he's been with work and caring for his Little.

Now that he has a couple days off from work, he can finally invite some friends over. His friends usually come over to his house since he has a bigger house and more space (though Scott knows the real reason is because he's got more money the rest of his friends, but he would never say that out loud).

"You have to be on your best behavior tonight, okay?" Scott says to his Little.

Mitch huffs and crosses his arms against his chest. "I thought we were going to watch movies!"

"No," Scott rolls his eyes. "I said you could go up to the theater and watch movies while I stay down here with my friends. They can be pretty rowdy and I don't want you around them."

"I'm not a baby," Mitch pouts, looking away from Scott.

Scott bends down so that he's face-to-face with Mitch. "Yes, that's exactly what you are," he chuckles.

"I want cookie!" Mitch cries, stomping his feet and heading to the kitchen.

Scott closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Of course Mitch would chose tonight to act up. Scott knows that it's simply only because he won't be paying any attention to Mitch tonight though, and Mitch always wants the attention, especially from Scott. Scott always loves giving Mitch attention but sometimes he just wants to hang out with the guys and have some time to himself.

"You have all your snacks. Now go upstairs, okay? You know how to start the movies," Scott says.

Mitch whines. "Daddy, it's scary!" He cries as his lips tremble.

Scott groans and glances back, seeing his friends talking with each other in the living room. "Wait a sec," he says to Mitch before walking into the living room. "Hey guys. I have to take care of something real fast but it'll only take a few minutes. You guys will be okay down here? You know where everything is."

"Let me guess," Matt begins. "Mitch is being a pain in the ass?"

"Hey, don't say that," Scott snaps before letting out a sigh. "I'll be right back."

Matt raises his eyebrows as he looks over at the others. "Mitch is so giving him a hard time tonight,"

"I told him that he should have just sent Mitch off somewhere tonight," Avi shakes his head.

"You guys know Scott would never do that with Mitch," Alex says. "He doesn't trust anyone but himself to look after that Little, which is probably a good thing. You know how greedy Daddies can be."

"I guess you do have a point," Avi nods. "Anyways, back to my story..."


"I don't wanna watch Frozen! No, Daddy!" Mitch complains.

"Baby, that's what you told me you wanted to watch!" Scott sighs in frustration.

Mitch giggles as he kicks his legs against the comfy theater chair, his sippy cup in his hand. "Tangled!"

"This is the last time, Mitchell, I swear," Scott warns before grabbing the Tangled movie and putting it into the DVD player. He looks up and waits until the movie shows up on the screen. Scott walks over to Mitch and then grabs a blanket, carefully covering Mitch with it so that he's comfortable. "There, my little Bear." He reaches down and kisses Mitch. He goes to pull away but Mitch continues the kiss. "Oh, Mitch-"

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