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Summary: AU // Scott is the prince. Mitch is a servant that works in the castle.


Mitch had lived in the castle his whole life, working for the royal family as a servant. His family had sold him to the royal family as a young child because they were poor and needed money.

It took Mitch a few years to get over why they sold him. And now... he actually prefers living in the castle rather than living in the small town where he barely survived. His family was poor and he had very little back at home. Mitch has even made friends with the other workers and sometimes... he's even lucky enough to get a catch a glimpse of the prince, Scott Hoying.


Mitch sits up in his bed immediately when he hears someone shouting his name. Nobody ever comes to visit him in the basement, where he lives with other servants. Servants in the castle  don't get rightful treatment from the king and queen.

"Mitchell, we need all workers upstairs now-"

Mitch rubs his eyes tiredly and then looks up to see Kevin, the personal assistant for the king.

"Tonight is the night where different royal families are coming to the castle. It's a very important night. We have very limited time and we need all the help that we can get right now. We need your help in the kitchen," Kevin tells him.

"Wha-? But I've never ever worked in the kitchen before... and what about my chores? The king will definitely not be happy if he sees one of the servants in the kitchen," Mitch protests.

"The king has ordered all of the workers to work in the kitchen today to help set up in the grand ballroom, you big dummy-" Kevin chuckles. I know that you've never worked in the kitchen before so we'll probably have you help with something else," he explains.

Mitch sighs in relief, thankful that he doesn't have to work in the kitchen. "Great. Do I have time to wash and get dressed?" He asks as he stands from the bed.

"Yes, but please hurry as fast as you can. We have very limited time. No time to waste," Kevin says before turning and exiting out of the room.

Mitch instantly grabs a clean outfit and then herushes to the wash room.

There's no way he's going to be late. Getting in trouble is the last thing he wants to do. He remembers the first time he got punished by the king and it was not fun.

"There you are, Mitchell. I need you to help Tori set the table in the grand ballroom. There's going to be a lot of people here tonight. The table will be full," Kevin says.

"Okay... that I can do, trust me... I would probably burn down the entire castle if I tried cooking," Mitch says before grabbing a few plates. He starts walking out of the kitchen and makes his way towards the grand ballroom where dinner would be taking place tonight.

Mitch starts walking up the stairs to the grand ballroom, completely minding his own business, but he gasps as soon as he runs into someone, causing him to drop all of the plates and fall to the ground.

"Oh, shit! I am so sorry. I didn't see you coming..."

Mitch groans as he pushes himself up. It takes him a moment before he looks up and gasps when he sees Prince Scott standing in front of him. Seeing the prince is the last person he expected to see.

"Are you alright?"

Mitch immediately stands up, despite the pain he is in after falling to the ground, and the smashed glass surrounding him. He bows to the prince. "I apologize your majesty! It's my fault completely and I understand if you want to punish me for my disrespectful actions," he says quickly.

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