personal assistant

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Summary: AU // Scott got kicked out of his parents house and almost became homeless but his best friend stepped in to save him. He's looking for a job. Scott eventually finds a job but it's a personal assistant for the bratty rich kid, Mitch Grassi.

A/N: I can't believe how close we're getting to 100k reads?! omg

Also this is 3.4k words, what???


"Hey Kirst," Scott greets tiredly when he walks into his best friend's apartment, where he's been living at for the past five months. His parents kicked him out of his family home when he came out as gay a couple months ago and he almost went homeless but Kirstie offered her extra bedroom to him. Scott's been looking for a job so he can get back on his feet.

"Scott! Finally. I've been waiting for you to come home all day," Kirstie says as she jumps up from the couch and rushes over to Scott excitedly with a smile on her face.

"Whoa. What's gotten you so excited?" Scott asks as he places his bag down.

"You know how you've been looking for a job?" Kirstie asks.

"Yeah," Scott nods, and then walks into the living room.

"Well I have some good news for you, but it kind of comes with bad news," Kirstie says.

"Okay... hit me with it," Scott sighs. "It can't be that bad."

"Well, it's not really bad... depending on how you look at it. But, basically... there's a job opening for a personal assistant. Would you be interested in working as a personal assistant?" Kirstie asks as she looks up at Scott.

"I mean, sure. Is there any like... requirements?" Scott asks curiously.

"You have to be eighteen and have free time, which you have a lot of. It's for a rich family and the person you'd be working for is Mitch Grassi. That's the bad part," Kirstie says.

"Who's Mitch Grassi?"

"What?" Kirstie yells, her eyes widening. "Do you not pay attention to the news?"

"I've got more important things to worry about," Scott defends. "Like finding a job!"

"Ugh," Kirstie rolls her eyes. "Basically, he's a spoiled brat and everybody hates him. Well, except for girls but he's gay so nobody ever has a chance with him."

"Oh, he's gay?" Scott asks. "Is he cute?"

Kirstie laughs and pulls out her phone, and then pulls up a picture of Mitch Grassi.

"Sign me the fuck up!" Scott exclaims when he sees the picture. "Hell yes I'd work for him."

"But he's such a spoiled brat. You'd never have any chance with him," Kirstie sighs.

"Wow, thanks so much for boosting my confidence," Scott rolls his eyes and sits on the couch.

"Come on, that's not what I meant. You're an amazing guy but he's nothing but a brat. He's basically with a different guy every day and he treats them like they're nothing," Kirstie says.

"Well good. I fit that area then. I'm gonna fill out an application for him," Scott says, letting out a sigh.

Scott never set out to be a butler, but he'll take the job if it keeps a roof under his head.

He'd much rather be putting up with a spoiled brat than being homeless, that's for sure.


"Thank you! Thank you so much! Yes, I can be there in a few hours, thank you again! Goodbye!"

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