picnic proposal

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Summary: Scott and Mitch get into an argument that leads to a pleasant surprise for Mitch.

A/N: Another proposal fic? I couldn't help myself.

A/N #2: What other scomiche oneshots would you like to see? Any ideas? I'd love prompts!


Waking up before 10am was something Mitch isn't fond of doing, but Scott insisted that since it's Saturday and the weather was supposed to be nice, that they go out and do something.

And of course, Mitch can't say no to those damn puppy dog eyes.

"Why the fuck am I waking up at 9am again?" Mitch asks as he walks out of his bedroom.

"Ugh, when are you going to stop complaining?" Scott groans.

"Excuse me," Mitch snaps as he walks into the kitchen. "Didn't ask for the attitude."

"You're the one giving attitude," Scott snaps back. He looks over at Mitch. He understands that Mitch wants to catch up on sleep while they're off tour for a couple of weeks, but they haven't done anything fun since they've been on break and he wanted to plan something special for Mitch.

"You still haven't told me what we're even doing," Mitch sighs.

"Because, I wanted it to be a surprise!" Scott says, raising his voice.

"Why can't you just tell me?" Mitch asks, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Am I not allowed to do something nice for my boyfriend?" Scott asks.

"Scott," Mitch warns. "It's too early to do this."

"It's not too early!" Scott yells, getting frustrated. "I just want to do something nice. As a couple."

"We could have done that later! You know how I get-" Mitch starts.

"You know what, fine!" Scott yells angrily. "Go back to fucking sleep. We don't have to do anything today. Last time I try to do anything nice for you." He grumbles before storming out of the kitchen.

"Scott!" Mitch yells as his eyes go wide. He starts to follow Scott, but Scott's already out of the house, and he's already mentally slapping himself for being such an idiot towards Scott. "Shit, shit, shit!"

Mitch tried calling Scott for over an hour, but Scott never answered any of his texts or calls, which isn't like Scott because Scott always answers every single one of his texts and calls. And now, Mitch is worried.

"Kit, he's not answering me. Please, tell me you've seen him? Heard from him?" Mitch begs as he paces back and forth in his bedroom, talking on the phone with Kirstie.

Kirstie sighs in defeat. "Would it make you feel better if I told you he was safe?"

"Define safe," Mitch says. "Kirstie, he's my fucking boyfriend. Where is he?"

'"Okay, he's with me, alright? He is safe and you don't have to worry about him," Kirstie says.

"No, forget it. I'm coming over to yours right now," Mitch says.

"Mitch," Kirstie warns. "He's upset. Give him some space and he'll talk when he's ready."

"Is he really that upset over a small argument?" Mitch asks, frowning.

"It's a lot more than just a small argument to him," Kirstie sighs.

"I just want to talk to him. Why is he being like this?" Mitch groans.

"That's for you to figure out. Give him some space, that's all he's asking for," Kirstie says. "I have to go, the pups are calling for me. Talk to you later." She hangs up on him.

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