trust issues

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Summary: AU // Scott is a fragile Omega who's been through a lot in life. He has trust issues but always wants to please his Alpha. Things go unfortunately wrong on Scott's part when Mitch's parents come over for a visit but luckily Mitch is there to make things better.

A/N: wowwowow thank you so much for over 30k reads!!


"What if your parents don't like me?" Scott whines as he sits next to his Alpha on the couch.

"Impossible. They're going to love you angel," Mitch says softly, gently rubbing Scott's knee. "They're a little strict but you just have to show them that you're the one for me."

"What if I mess up?" Scott asks, frowning as he looks down at his hands. "There are a lot of things I don't know how to do or know about. I don't want to look stupid."

"No, do not say that word," Mitch warns. "You're not stupid. You're just different."

Scott huffs. Even though he appreciates what his Alpha is trying to do, he knows the truth. His parents never sent him to school because they weren't ashamed that his son who should have been an Alpha, is now an Omega. There's a lot of things he doesn't understand but Mitchy is helping him.

"Ah! They're here!" Mitch smiles as he jumps up from the couch. "I haven't seen them in so long."

Scott hesitantly stands up from the couch and places his hands behind his back, wanting to be respectful.

Mitch walks over to the door and opens it, smiling when he sees his parents. "Mom! Dad!"

"Mitchell, it's good to see you again," Mike greets as he hugs Mitch.

"I've missed you guys," Mitch smiles as he hugs both of his parents. "It's been so long."

"It's been many years," Nel chuckles. "You've grown up so much."

"A lot has changed, but for the better. There's someone I want you to meet too," Mitch says.

"Ah, yes. The infamous Scott that we've been hearing so much about from you," Mike says.

"Please be careful around him. He's very fragile. I don't want to go into too much detail because he doesn't like talking about it but he's had a very rough life. Please don't get mad if he does something wrong,"

"That's horrible. I cannot wait to meet him," Nel smiles.

Mitch smiles back at her before letting his parents into the house and shutting the door. He hesitates before leading the way to the living room, where Scott is patiently waiting for them.

"Scott, you don't have to stand like that," Mitch says.

Scott hesitates before standing in a normal position. "I'm sorry, Sir..."

"No need to be," Mitch reassures him. "Scott, I would like you to meet my parents. Mike and Nel Grassi."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Nel smiles as she walks over to Scott and hugs him.

Scott blinks a few times, a little surprised at the hug, but he decides to hug her back. He then looks up at Mitch's dad, who is an Alpha. Mitch has told him that he can be quite strict so he's a little nervous.

"Hello Scott. Nice to meet you," Mike says.

"Yes Sir. Nice to meet you too Sir," Scott says quickly, then mentally kicking himself.

Mike eyes Scott up and down, which makes Scott even more self-conscious.

"Scott, sweetheart? Why don't you grab some water for us, please?" Mitch asks as his parents sit down on the couch. Mitch walks over to Scott and kisses his forehead. "It'll help you calm down."

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