take a sip of my secret potion

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Summary: AU // Mitch and Scott are princes, and Mitch is in love with Scott. His father is outraged when Mitch suggests that he marry a prince instead of a princess. Mitch wants to marry Scott, and is determined to get the prince to fall in love with him.

A/N: someone left a prompt awhile ago somewhere that included a love potion but I can't seem to find that comment now :/ sorry about that, but I hope you still enjoy this!


Prince Mitch sighs as he watches Prince Scott talk with the other royalty as they eat dinner.

It's that time of year where all the royal families get together and have this big dinner. This year, Scott and his family will be staying at the castle with Mitch's family. They were quite close with each other so they see each other throughout the year but not as much as Mitch would like to see Scott.

Unfortunately for Mitch, he has the biggest crush on Prince Scott, but his father wants him to marry the "perfect girl", little does his parents know that he's gay and wants to marry Scott. They were both princes, so it probably wouldn't work out, but that won't stop Mitch from having a crush on him.


"Huh?" Mitch jumps and looks over at his father. "Yes, father?"

"Rick says he knows a lovely girl named Kirstin that you should meet," Mike tells him. "We'll have to go and visit her once the Hoying's leave. Time is running out, and we need to find you a princess."

Mitch flinches. "F-Father, why does it have to be a princess?" He asks.

"Well, who else would it be, son?" Mike asks, raising his eyebrows.

"I... I don't know. I've met a lot of girls, and I never really get along with any of them. Why don't we just... try something new? Maybe I could find a prince instead?" Mitch says nervously.

Mike spits out his drink, earning a few gasps throughout the table.

"Mitchell, I'd like to speak with you outside," Mike demands.

Mitch frowns, but stands up anyways, and nervously starts following Mike out of the ball room.

Scott looks up and frowns as he watches the two leave, before looking over at his mom worriedly. "Um, what's going on? Why are they leaving?" He asks curiously.

"That boy suggested he marry a prince," Connie scoffs. "How unnatural!"

Scott blinks a few times. Being gay isn't accepted, and he's well aware of that, but still that doesn't stop him from hooking up with other boys in the village back home. He doesn't want Mitch to get in trouble. "But, how is that unnatural? You cannot help who you fall in love with," he says softly.

"Oh, goodness gracious, Scott Richard. Don't you start talking like that!" Connie warns.

"I'm going to go make sure Mitch is okay-"

"Scott-" Connie tries, but he's already on his feet and walking towards the doors.

Meanwhile, Mike is yelling at Mitch for the comments he made earlier.

"You do not ever speak like that again, do you understand me?" Mike warns. "Princes do not marry princes, they marry princesses. You may be my son but I will not hesitate to punish you if it will get those thoughts out of your head." He scoffs and shakes his head. "What would the villagers think?"

Mitch whimpers and looks down at his hands as tears begin to form in his eyes.

Scott frowns as he hides behind the wall, listening in on the conversation. He knows he shouldn't be eavesdropping but he just wants to comfort Mitch and make sure he's alright.

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