the old scott

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Summary: Scott has started dating a boy that is a bad influence. He's stopped taking care of himself. Mitch has finally had enough of Scott's behavior and wants to get him back, with the help of Kirstie.

A/N: how does this book almost have 200k views? that's crazy :O


Scott hadn't meant to make things go this far. It was a complete mistake. But, Damien was hot, and attractive, and Scott was desperate for anyone's attention after his last breakup left him heartbroken, and it's not like he could keep going to Mitch for all his problems. Mitch had his own life Unfortunately for him, Damien is a bad influence and convinced him to do all these bad things like drinking more alcohol than he should or smoking cigarettes. Scott never smoked a cigarette in his life until he met Damien.

Scott was in love with Damien, even though he knew that he was a bad influence.

Normally, Scott was pretty good at taking care of himself. He had to take care of himself when he is in an a capella group. He always drank water and knew when not to drink, and knew not to do any drugs because it could be very damaging to his voice. Scott knew that, but he pretty much just stopped caring when Damien came into his life. He thought nobody noticed, but he was wrong.

Mitch had been watching Scott very closely since he met Damien, and he's worried about him.

"I... I don't know what else to do, Kirst. He's totally getting out of control," Mitch sighs as he looks up at the blonde haired girl. "I mean... I can't just confront him about it. He'll get upset."

"But, you need to confront him about this. This is serious. I mean, we're going on tour soon. Scott being crazy and out of control is not the first impression we want to have on Matt. Usually we're professional and we take care of ourselves. Now Scott is drinking and smoking, you said?" Kirstie asks.

"Yes, I found a lighter in his room a few weeks ago, and then I found an empty cigarette box in his drawer when I was looking for something the other day. I mean, it could be Damien's, but I don't think it is,"

"Wow. This really is serious. You're the only one who can talk to him," Kirstie says.

"I know that. But, I just really don't want to upset him. I don't want him to get mad at me and then walk out on me like he does sometimes. I just want what's best for him is all, and Damien isn't what's best for him. I mean, that much I know. I just wish Scott would know that too,"

"Everything would be fine if that douche just went away. Does he even actually like Scott?" Kirstie asks.

Mitch scoffs and shakes his head. "Doubt it. I've heard him and Scott fucking multiple times. That's the main reason why I'm never home anymore and Scott's totally oblivious about it. This is a fucking mess,"

"Okay, listen to me Mitch. Go home and talk to Scott. Now. We need to sort things out before tour starts," Kirstie warns, looking at Mitch with a serious look on her face.

"Okay. Okay. I'll try my best but I'm not making any promises. You know how stubborn Scott can be,"

Kirstie chuckles and nods. "Oh, yes. I know. I know how stubborn Scott can be,"

"Thanks for talking with me. I've just been really fucking worried about Scott," Mitch sighs sadly.

Kirstie reaches over and gently rubs his arm. "It's okay. We've all been worried about him," she says softly.


Mitch had never been so nervous than later that night, when he arrived at his and Scott's house. He hasn't been to the house in over a week because he simply couldn't stand being around Damien.

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