it's fine

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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch are now married with a teenager son. Everything's going great, that's what Scott thinks anyways. They've got a nice house, they have money, and he has the perfect family. Mitch starts doubting himself as a parent and they receive some shocking news from Cameron.


Cameron gasps as he runs into the house with tears pouring out of his eyes, slamming the door shut, and then running up the stairs as fast as he can. He runs down the hallway and to his bedroom. Cameron slams his door shut and locks it. He slowly slides down the wall, burying his face in his hands.

His parents are going to kill him when they find out. They cannot find out, no matter what. He knows they most likely will find out. They always find out. It's nearly impossible to keep any secrets from them.

But, lord knows what will happen to him if his parents found out that he was pregnant.


"Is something wrong with Cammy?" Mitch asks as he looks up at his husband, as he cooks dinner.

"Babe, you know he hates when you call him that," Scott chuckles. "He's not a little kid anymore."

"Hey," Mitch points a finger at Scott. "I don't care how old he is. He's always going to be my little boy, so he's just going to have to get over it whether he likes it or not. Anyways, is something with him?"

"I don't know. Seems like he's upset. Didn't you hear the door slam earlier?"

"Maybe he just had a rough day at school. You know those boys like to tease him whenever they can,"

Scott scoffs. "Little assholes. If they hurt my boy one more time then I'll make sure that they never hurt anyone ever again. He doesn't deserve to be bullied for having two dads."

Mitch raises his eyebrows as he looks up at Scott. "You know he hates when you do that," he says, mocking Scott. He smirks when Scott glares at him, and then he looks over when he hears footsteps and is surprised when he sees Cameron walking into the kitchen. "Hey, bud. You hungry?"

"Uh, yeah. What's for dinner?" Cameron asks, looking over at Mitch.

"Dad is making salad. I assume you don't want that?" Mitch chuckles.

"Gross. Can I just order a pizza or something?" Cameron asks, walking over to the fridge.

"A pizza?" Scott asks, looking over at Cameron. "You're gonna eat a whole pizza by yourself?"

"Wouldn't be the first time, pops," Cameron says as he pulls out a can of Pepsi from the fridge. He turns and looks up at Scott. "So... can I? I won't go over thirty."

Scott rolls his eyes. "Fine. Order your damn pizza," he mumbles.

"Hey, just because you're trying to be more healthy doesn't mean I have to suffer," Cameron says. He starts to walk out of the kitchen but stops when Mitch quickly grabs him. "You okay, mom?"

"I was just going to ask you the same thing," Mitch says, letting go of Cameron. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. What makes you think I'm not okay?" Cameron asks, shrugging.

"Are the kids at school giving you a hard time again?" Mitch asks.

"Mom," Cameron groans, earning a frown from Mitch. "I told you not to worry about that. I'm fine."

"Sweetheart, we heard the door slam earlier when you got home from school, and, I heard you crying," Mitch tries again. "I just want you to be able to talk to me about things. I'm your mother."

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