the best christmas

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Summary: AU // It was a shock to Scott and Mitch when they found out Scott was pregnant, but then it turned out to be the best thing that's ever happened to them, resulting in the best Christmas ever

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Summary: AU // It was a shock to Scott and Mitch when they found out Scott was pregnant, but then it turned out to be the best thing that's ever happened to them, resulting in the best Christmas ever.

A/N: I'm sure you were probably asking for pregnant!Mitch but y'all know I love writing pregnant!Scott and couldn't help myself. Anyways, I hope you still like this! :)


Mitch didn't know what to think nine months ago when Scott told him he was pregnant. It was a shock.

Mitch and Scott has gotten drunk one night, and the one time Mitch topped, Scott got pregnant because they had unprotected sex. They were usually careful, but they were drunk and safe sex was the last thing on their mind. Scott didn't even know that he could get pregnant. They had done research and learned that male pregnancy is very rare and only a handful of men were able to get pregnant. Scott is one of them.

Scott surprisingly has continued to work with Pentatonix for as long as he could when he was pregnant until his doctor ordered him to rest at home once he started getting bigger and further into his pregnancy. He recorded as much as he could, and he and Mitch toured as Superfruit while Kirstin was on broadway, and then they teamed up with Pentatonix again after that. Things were pretty busy.

Scott is shocked that he made it through the nine months.

But nonetheless, Scott did get through it, and now he has a healthy and beautiful baby boy that he and Mitch loves so much.

It's Christmas now, and it's their first Christmas with their newborn, Phoenix James Grassi-Hoying. They wanted unique name for their baby, and Phoenix is what Mitch came up with and Scott loved it.

Scott and Mitch had gotten a lot of presents from all of their friends and family once they announced Scott's pregnancy. Their Christmas tree is now full of presents, 98% of them were for Phoenix. They already knew that they would get a lot things from people they know, but not this much.

"Merry Christmas, baby," Mitch smiles as he leans over and kisses Scott passionately. They had gotten up early so they could spend some time together before Phoenix woke up. It was 6am on Christmas. "Here-" He hands Scott an envelope. "It's my present for you."

Scott's eyes widen at the sudden realization that he totally forgot about getting Mitch a present. "Oh, shoot. I've been so busy with getting things ready for Nikkie that I totally forgot about your present. I'm so sorry. I'm literally the worst fiancé ever," Scott frowns and hangs his head with shame.

"Baby, it's okay. I know things have been very stressful for you. I'm not mad at you at all, I promise..." Mitch assures him as he gently rubs his shoulder. "I just really wanted to get you something because you've worked so fucking hard these nine months, and I'm so proud of you, sweetheart."

"I love you," Scott smiles and then he opens the envelope. He pulls out a plane ticket. "Oh. What's this?"

Mitch grins. "I have a feeling that raising a child is going to be very stressful at times. So I thought that I would get you a plane ticket that you can use at any time. So, when Nikkie gets a little older and too much, you can take a vacation and go wherever you want. Do you like it?"

"I love it!" Scott gasps and hugs him tightly. "Mitchy, you're so thoughtful. I love you so much."

"I love you too," Mitch laughs as he hugs him back.

Scott pulls away when he hears a baby crying. "Well... that didn't last very long," he lets out a sigh.

"Don't worry. I'll go get him," Mitch kisses Scott once before standing up and walking out of the living room.

Scott waits a few moments before Mitch finally comes back with Phoenix in his arms.

"Wow. Look at my two gorgeous boys," Scott grins as soon as he sees the two. "Wow. He's really crying. Give him to daddy. I'll take care of him." He stands up from the couch and walks over to Mitch.

Mitch walks over and hands Phoenix to Scott. "I guess someone isn't excited for Christmas," he chuckles.

"He will be once he sees all those toys he got. You're already so spoiled and you're not even a month old." Scott laughs and then he walks to the kitchen to get a bottle for Phoenix.

While Scott feeds Phoenix a bottle on the couch, Mitch is sitting on the floor and opening some of Phoenix's presents. They had a lot to go through, but they were very grateful.

"That's so cute!" Scott gasps when he sees the baby outfit Mitch showed him from his parents. "It's a Jurassic Park shirt! I can't wait to have Phoenix wear that! My parents know me so well."

"We're going to have so much clothes after Christmas," Mitch chuckles.

"Yeah, and we still haven't told the fans. Imagine how much Nikkie is going to get after we tell them,'

"I can't believe you actually hid your pregnancy the entire nine months," Mitch shakes his head as he looks up at Scott. "And, you were really big too. Not a single person question you."

"They probably just assumed that I ate a lot on tour. I saw a few people say that on twitter," Scott says.

"Baby, that's horrible. Those people shouldn't say stuff like that about you," Mitch frowns.

"It's okay. I knew the truth so it didn't really affect me, it would have been a different story if I wasn't pregnant at the same time..." Scott shrugs. "Hey... should we surprise the fans?"

"With?" Mitch asks as he pushes himself up and walks over to sit next to Scott on the couch.

"It's Christmas. Christmas is all about spending time with family and loved ones. I can't think of a better time to announce that we have a child together," Scott smiles. "Let's make him instagram official."

"Okay. If you really want to. I don't mind," Mitch smiles.

Scott takes out his phone and takes a photo of himself with Mitch and Phoenix, and posts it on instagram with a very long caption explaining everything. It will be a shock to people that Scott was pregnant.

Merry Christmas from the Grassi-Hoying family! We are so very blessed this Christmas to have our beautiful baby boy, Phoenix James, with us. It's our first Christmas with him. It was definitely a shock to both us when we found out that I was pregnant. Yes. Me. A man. I gave birth to him. We didn't adopt him or anything like that. We love this boy so much, and we can't think of a better way than to tell you guys about him than on Christmas. We just ask that you please respect our privacy. He is only a newborn. Don't worry, we'll share more info soon.

Love, Scott and Mitch

Scott giggles as he reads through comments on instagram and tweets on twitter.

"Look! Everybody's freaking out. And, we're trending on twitter! There's so many articles now," Scott looks over at Mitch, who's now holding Phoenix.

"Baby, put your phone down. I want to spend time with my boys," Mitch pouts.

Scott smiles and then sets his phone down. "Okay, okay, okay. It's just weird that everybody knows about Phoenix now," he scoots closer to Mitch and rests his head on Mitch's shoulder, and looks down at Phoenix, and lets out a happy sigh. "Wow. I couldn't be happier. I'm engaged to my best friend, and I have the most perfect baby. This is the best Christmas ever!"

Mitch looks over at Scott and kisses his forehead. "Yeah, this is the Christmas," he whispers.

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