up in the clouds (final)

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"So, you don't fly at all? You don't have any wings?" Scott asks as he sits with Mitch on his bed.

"Nope," Mitch shakes his head. "And I'm the only one in the kingdom with no wings. The rest of my family has already died so it's just me from the royal family. But, now I have you. If you'll be my prince."

Scott bites his lip as he thinks for a moment, before looking up at Mitch. "I will. I'll be your prince,"

Mitch gasps and throws his arms around Scott's neck and hugs him tightly. "You won't regret this!"

Scott laughs as he hugs Mitch back, pulling him closer. "One day, I'm a human doing normal human stuff, and the next I'm marrying someone who runs a kingdom up above the clouds!"

Mitch pulls away from Scott and grins. "Funny, huh?"

"So, I won't get to see my family at all?" Scott asks, frowning a little.

"I'll try to take you to visit them but, I'm not sure how often. But, they can't know about this," Mitch warns.

"They're going to get curious though. How will I explain to them that I'm never around? Holidays? Birthdays? I'm going to feel so guilty about this," Scott sighs sadly.

"You're just going to come up with excuses. Already one human knows our secret. What if you tell them and they accidentally let it slip to someone that you're here and we exist. World War 3 will break out, literally. And my people will no longer be safe. I know it's hard but you have to swear not to tell them,"

"Okay, okay. I swear! I swear I will not tell anyone about your kingdom," Scott says.

"No, no. That's not enough. I need you to sign something,"

Mitch gets up and leaves the room for a few moments, and then he comes back awhile later with his hands full of papers. He walks over to the bed and places the papers in Scott's lap. "Sign these."

Scott sits there for over a half an hour, signing and reading papers. He finally gets to the last page.

"Wait. If I tell someone... you're going to kill me? That's a little bit... brutal, don't you think?" Scott asks, looking up at Mitch with wide eyes. Now he's starting to second guess himself on this decision.

"I told you. We don't mess around up here. This kingdom is very important to me. I'm not going to let some human being destroy everything that I've worked so hard for. No offense. I don't think that you ever actually would but I just need to be sure that you won't tell anyone, okay?"

"No, I totally understand. I can only what would imagine if humans found out about this world. They would try to come up here and try to take over and it would be horrible," Scott shakes his head.

"Thank you for understanding. I'm sorry for being so harsh about this," Mitch says softly.

"No, no, no. Don't apologize at all," Scott says.

Scott takes a deep breath before finally signing the last of the papers.

"All done?" Mitch asks, standing up from the chair he'd been sitting in. "That was fast."

"I hope everything is correct," Scott says as he hands Mitch the papers.

"I'm sure it's fine. Now, all the hard work is done. Next, I get to show you my kingdom," Mitch grins.

"Do you think... they'll like me? The angels?" Scott asks.

Mitch chuckles. "They're not angels. I guess you could call them that. We just have wings," he says.

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