lost and found

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Summary: AU // Mitch has lost Wyatt and Scott finds him, and returns him.


Scott sighed quietly as he walked out of the grocery store with a bag full of goodies in his hands. He smiled as he felt the sunshine shine against his face. It was a beautiful day and he was so glad that he decided to be productive outside rather than just keeping himself cooped up inside.

Scott was about to walk to his car but he stopped when he heard a meow. He looked over and jumped when he saw the hairless cat looking up at him. Scott instantly noticed that the cat had a collar on.

"Oh, hello. Are you lost?" Scott asked. He placed his grocery bag on the ground and slowly bent down so he was closer to the cat's height. "I'm allergic to cats, but you're cute and hairless..." He held out his hand and smiled when the cat rubbed his face against it. "I bet your owner is missing you."

Scott noticed that the cat was young, he was guessing one or two years old. However, he was definitely no cat expert. Scott knew absolutely nothing about cats. Scott adored cats, but since he was allergic, he had never been able to have one of his own. He carefully picked the cat up. He grabbed his grocery bag and went back to his car.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't pee in my car," Scott said as he opened the door and then he carefully placed the cat inside, and then quickly shut the door so the cat didn't have a chance to escape. He walked around to the other side and then placed the groceries in the back of his car. He sighed as he shut the door and looked over at the cat. "Oh. Your name is Wyatt. That's a cute name." Scott grinned.

As Scott was driving home, he couldn't help but notice there was a poster of a cat stapled to a tree at the park's entrance. The cat looked exactly like Wyatt from what Scott could see. Scott parked his car and quickly got out. He glanced in at Wyatt before walking over to the poster and taking it down.

"I knew it!" Scott said. He looked over and blushed when he saw a couple of girls were staring at him, obviously because he was talking to himself. Scott looked back down at the poster and sighed in relief when he saw that there was a number on it. Scott was relieved that he would be able to return this cat to its rightful owner. Scott got out his phone as he walked back to his car.

Scott sighed as he sat in his car and waited for the owner of Wyatt to pick up. He smiled as the cat walked over and curled up on his lap. This cat was cuddly and was probably close with his owner.


"Oh, thank God you answered!" Scott sighed in relief.

"Um, who is this?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name's Scott... and I think I've found your furry friend," Scott said.

"Furry friend?" The man gasped. "Wyatt! Oh my gosh. You found him?"

"Depends. Is he a hairless cat?" Scott asked curiously.

"Yes! He is! He is a gray, hairless cat. Oh thank goodness. I've been so worried about him,"

"I'm so pleased to have found him. Well, more like he found me. He's a very sweet cat and I'd like to return him to you as soon as possible. Would I be able to drop him off at your place?" Scott asked.

"Yes, you can. I'm home right now. Thank you so much,"

"My pleasure. Let me get some paper," Scott said as he began looking around.

As soon as Scott got the owner's address, that's where he drove to next.

"Okay, Wyatt... time to say goodbye," Scott spoke to the cat as he scooped him up in his arms.

Wyatt yawned and looked up at Scott, and Scott couldn't help but smile at the cat.

"I'd hate to say goodbye but it sounds like your dad misses you. Should we go see him? Oh great. I'm talking to a cat. My parents are right. I am going crazy," Scott laughed and pushed the door open before he finally got out of the car. He kept his grip on Wyatt as he walked up to the door.

Scott didn't even have a chance to knock on the door before the door flew open.

"Wyatt! My little baby! You brought him back!"

Scott chuckled. "Here he is," he said as he placed Wyatt in his owner's arms.

"I don't know how to thank you. Wyatt means so much to me. I'm Mitch,"

Scott," Scott smiled and shook hands with Mitch's free hand. "How long has he been missing?"

"Two days. I don't know how he got out. I must have left a window open or something," Mitch said.

"Two days? Wow. I found him at the grocery store,"

"Joe's?" Mitch asked curiously, he sighed when Scott nodded. "That's like five minutes away. I'm so glad he didn't get too far. Don't you ever scare daddy like that Wyatt." Mitch squeezed Wyatt gently.

"Sweet cat. All he did was sleep on my lap the whole time he was in the car," Scott chuckled.

"Sounds something like he would do. I have the reward. Come in. I'll-"

"Don't bother," Scott said, shaking his head. "I don't need the reward."

"Really?" Mitch asked, looking up at Scott. "But... you returned my cat?"

"Really. I'm okay. Keep the money. 500 is a lot anyways. Use it to buy Wyatt a few treats for me," Scott said. "I wish I could stay and chat but I must get going."

"Wyatt seems to like you. Perhaps you should come by again?" Mitch asked.

Scott grinned. "I have your phone number so I'll call you or text you," he said.

"Perfect. I always have my cell phone on me," Mitch said.

"Cool. I'll see you later then. Bye Wyatt. Try not to escape again," Scott gently pet Wyatt once more before giving Mitch a friendly smile and then he turned and walked off the porch.

Scott couldn't tell which one of the two were cuter, the owner or the cat. But he really wouldn't mind seeing either again.

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