happy endings

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Summary: Scott confesses his love for Mitch, and things take a dark turn for Scott.

Trigger Warnings: injuries and hospitals


It's obvious the way Scott looks at Mitch, the way he talks about him, that he's in love with him.

So, why Mitch was so shocked when Scott finally confessed his feelings, was a mystery to Scott.

Scott's hurt, and he's heartbroken. He lost his best friend, all thanks to his stupid fucking feelings.

It's been a month since Scott's heard a single thing from Mitch. Mitch never answered his texts or calls from anybody, but especially Scott. It's like Mitch completely disappeared.

"Scott, please get out of bed. You haven't gotten out of bed in three days," Kirstie begs as she tugs at Scott's leg as hard as she possibly could. "Everybody's worried about you."

Scott groans as he pulls the blanket over his head. "Fuck off,"

"That's no way to talk to your friend who's trying to help you," Kirstie crosses her arms against her chest.

"I didn't ask for any help. So you can leave whenever you want," Scott mumbles.

"You can't just sit around and sulk in your apartment for the rest of your life," Kirstie snaps.

"You don't fucking get it," Scott snaps as he pushes himself up, glaring at Kirstie. "How would you fucking feel if your best friend completely stopped talking to you after you confessed his feelings to him? I have every right to sulk. This isn't just some random guy. He's been my best friend since I was ten! He literally just packed up and left without saying another word to me. He even took Wyatt with him, Kirstie."

Kirstie frowns. "That's why Mitch left? Because you confessed his feelings for him?"

Scott scoffs and lays back down, not saying anything else.

"I'm going to find Mitch, and I'm going to go knock some sense into that boy," Kirstie snaps before storming out of the bedroom, leaving Scott alone by himself, once again.

Scott groans as he pushes himself up again. He looks around and frowns at how dirty his room was. It's been quite a few weeks since he's cleaned anything. He sighs and rubs his eyes tiredly.

Scott doesn't want to live without his best friend. Mitch is everything to him. They've practically been attached to each other's hips since they were ten years old. Scott thinks about Mitch every day. He doesn't want to even think about a life without him. He can't help his feelings.

It hurt having to go on twitter and announcing on Superfruit account and tweet that they were going on a break though he didn't dare say a word about why. All he had to do was say they were stressed and they wanted to go on a break. Of course, the fans were frantic about what was going on but it's not like Scott had any other choice. It would be too painful to have to do Superfruit without Mitch.

"Fuck me," Scott grumbles before falling back down on the bed. He doesn't want to get up. Not today.


Two days later, Scott finds himself waking up to nothing but white. Scott's too afraid to look around, and then he hears a gasp to his right. He looks over and his eyes widen when he sees Mitch.


Mitch is here?

Is Scott dreaming? He hasn't seen Mitch in a month, but he doesn't know what's going on.

"Oh my God, you're alive!" Mitch yells as he flings his arms around Scott and hugs him.

Scott blinks a few times as he doesn't move, very obviously confused.

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