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Summary: AU // Mitch finds out he's pregnant, and surprises Scott with the news.

A/N: I lowkey kind of want to write a full chaptered mpreg au fic but I was unsure if people would like that but I already have a couple ideas in mind so if you would like to see that... comment below and maybe I'll write one and post it :)

Also, wow! Thank you so much for 5k reads! I hope you're all enjoying the fics <3


"What if he doesn't want a child so early?" Mitch asks. "He's so young."

"So are you, Mitch! Even if he doesn't, you know Scott will love you unconditionally, and he will support you through this pregnancy no matter what," Kirstie frowns as she gently rubs Mitch's back to comfort him. "Scott won't leave you out in the cold. He'd never do that to you."

"But, I don't want to force him into this. He shouldn't have to give up his life for a child he doesn't want," Mitch argues quietly. "It isn't fair to him."

"Mitch, you're thinking this over too much. You're only looking at the negatives. Look at the positives. It's a miracle that you're even pregnant to begin with!" Kirstie sighs.

"I know you're right but can you blame me for worrying so much? Carriers like me are rare! They're looked down upon in this day and age. I don't want to fuck anything up between us just because of a drunken night," Mitch takes a deep breath.

"Well it's a good thing you've surrounded yourself with people who'll love you no matter what," Kirstie says.

"Where would I be without you?" Mitch laughs as he wipes away a tear that slipped out of his eye.

"That's what best friends are for," Kirstie smiles and gently kisses his forehead. "Now come on. We've been sitting in this bathroom for over ten minutes and I've sure Scott is probably worried sick about you! You've been getting sick all week and he doesn't know that you might be pregnant..."

"Oh God," Mitch closes his eyes. "Okay... I'm ready... what does it say?"

Kirstie finally takes the pregnancy test from Mitch and then she turns it over, and gasps when she sees that it shows that Mitch is pregnant. "Mitchie! It's positive! You're pregnant!" She squeals.

"What?" Mitch immediately grabs the pregnancy test from Kirstie and looks down at the test, his eyes widen. "Oh my God!" He jumps up and down excitedly, and starts bawling when Kirstie hugs him tightly.

"I'm so happy for you," Kirstie smiles as she pulls away to look at Mitch.

"Oh my- I'm going to be a mother!" Mitch smiles brightly.

"Should we go tell Scott the good news?" Kirstie asks.

Mitch looks up at Kirstie and takes a deep breath. "Maybe I shouldn't tell him..."

"No, Mitch. This is Scott's child as well. He deserves to know," Kirstie says softly.

"I'm scared," Mitch's eyes begin to water up. "I don't want to lose him."

"And you won't, because we both know Scott would never leave you and the baby," Kirstie says. "He might be shocked and it'll take time to process but... in the end, everything will work out."

"And what about Pentatonix?" Mitch asks. "We're working on the new album..."

"We'll worry about that later, okay? This is about you now. Come on," Kirstie says as she opens the door.

Mitch quickly dries his eyes and hides the pregnancy test as he walks back into the studio. He walks over to the couch where Scott is currently sitting, messing on his phone.

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