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Summary: Imagine your OTP in college. Person A, the senior, asks for a high five from B, the freshman, out of the blue. So they do it, and person A laces their fingers and says "We're dating now, love you bae," and leaves. So for years, even without having a single conversation, every time they see each other they say, "Hey, bae."

A/N: I saw this prompt on otpprompts and thought it was cute and had to write something. This probably sucks and it's a little cringy but hopefully still cute lol.


"You have to say something to him, Scott. You're a senior now," Kirstie says as she stands with Scott at his locker. "The rest is halfway through and you probably won't see him again."

"I know," Scott groans. "I don't know why I get so nervous around him."

"Well, he is younger. He's one of the smartest freshmen in the whole entire school, and he's talented," Kirstie says. "I can see why you would be nervous but... you're Scott Hoying."

"Thanks," Scott chuckles. "I'll think of something, alright? Don't worry about me."

"I just don't want you to regret later in life not talking to your first crush. I mean... you've practically been in love with him so you met him when you were eight years old. It's about time you talked to him,"

"Shush, don't be so loud," Scott warns quietly. "I'll talk to him, geez."

"You better. Now let's get to class before we're late," Kirstie says.

"Fine," Scott says as he shuts his locker and starts following her down the hallway. He looks up and sees Mitch walking into the school. The hallways are a bit busier now.

But Scott has a plan. It might be a stupid plan.

But hey, at least it's a plan.

Mitch starts walking past Scott but Scott quickly stops in front of him and holds up his hands for a high five. Mitch blinks a few times and looks up at Scott, but gives him a high five anyways.

Scott grins and laces their fingers together, holding onto Mitch's hand. "We're dating now. You're my bae,"

"I'm your- what?" Mitch asks, staring at Scott as if he has two heads.

"I have to get class. See you later, bae," Scott says before he walks over to Kirstie and follows her.

"What the hell was that all about?"Kirstie asks, frowning.

"I had to do something," Scott replies with a shrug.

"So, that was your plan?" Kirstie asks in disbelief. "What is going on in that head of yours?"

"We're going to be late for class," Scott says before he starts walking faster.

Kirstie looks back and she can't help but smile when she sees Mitch standing in the middle of the hallway, staring at his hand. She knows Mitch is just as confused as she is, but he looks so adorable.

Maybe this can finally bring the two together. Maybe Scott will finally get the chance to ask his dream boy out on a date. They're total opposites, but they would be cute together. Kirstie's rooting for them.


Scott doesn't talk to Mitch throughout the rest of the week until Friday. They have choir class together, which happens to be first period. Scott's determined to say something to him this morning.

Scott walks into choir class and smiles when he sees Mitch sitting at a desk, doodling in his notebook.

Scott clears his throat and walks over to Mitch's desk. "Hey bae,"

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