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A/N: Sorry it's so short it's just an idea I had and I can't think of anything else to write lol.


"Promise me we're gonna get out of here one day?"

Scott immediately looks over at his best friend and frowns. "You want to leave?"

"I don't wanna stay in Arlington, Texas. I can't do what I want to do in this small town,"

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Scott asks, resting against the wall of the old tree house that they were currently sitting in. The tree house is where the two boys go when they have rough days. Today, had been a rough day for Mitch at school. He's always constantly getting bullied.

"I want to be a singer," Mitch says with a smile. "I know what people say at school... but I can prove them wrong. One day I'll be singing in sold out stadiums like Beyonce."

"I want to be a singer a too," Scott smiles. "Don't listen to what the bullies say. They're just jealous because they can't sing like you can. You have a beautiful voice."

Mitch blushes at Scott's compliment. "You're not just saying that, are you?" He asks.

"What? Of course not," Scott wraps his arms around Mitch and hugs him. "You're my best friend, and I truly think you have a talent. You could be big one day, but you have to promise me we'll still be best friends."

Mitch giggles. "Of course! I'll make a lot of money and we'll buy a fancy ass house and move in together, and we'll buy a hairless cat. Maybe a dog. But the cat comes first," he says.

"That sounds like a brilliant plan," Scott grins. "I don't know what I'll do..."

"You can be famous too, you know? I've heard you sing. You're incredible," Mitch says softly.

"I don't know. Maybe," Scott says. "My parents might not support it."

"So, it's your life. Not theirs. You can do whatever you want," Mitch smiles.

"I'm glad you're my best friend," Scott says, resting his head against Mitch's shoulder.

"And we'll still be best friends, even when I find a nice boy to marry. You'll always be my number one,"

"That's nice," Scott smiles as he looks up at Mitch.

Mitch grins. "Should we get going? It's getting pretty late," he says.

"Are you okay now?" Scott asks as he sits up.

"I'll never be okay while I'm at that school... but things will get better," Mitch says.

"I promise you, one day... we'll leave here. We'll live in New York City or LA. We'll start a life together, and I'll make sure nobody hurts you ever again," Scott promises. "It'll be you and me. Together, always."


"Can you believe this is actually real?" Mitch asks, giggling as he spins around his and Scott's brand new living room. "We bought our own house!" He stops in the middle of the room and sighs happily.

Scott just smiles fondly as he watches the smaller boy.

"Remember when we talked about leaving Texas and making it big?" Mitch asks.

"Yes, I do remember that," Scott chuckles. "I'm surprised you remember that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mitch asks, pouting as he crosses his arms against his chest.

"Babe, we've both had a lot of alcohol since then," Scott says.

"True, but... whatever! I can't wait for Wy to get here. He's going to love the new house," Mitch says.

"He'll be here tomorrow morning," Scott says. "I've missed the little guy."

"So, I've got my dream house, the cat I've wanted since I was a child... and I've got the man of my dreams," Mitch smiles as he walks over to Scott and straddles his lap. "What more do I need?"

"I told you," Scott smiles as he rests his hands on Mitch's hips. "Didn't I promise you that we would make it out of Texas? That you would become a big star because you have a beautiful voice?"

"Well, you're half right. We're both big stars, all thanks to you. You're the one who convinced me to leave Texas and do The Sing-Off with you. Now we're Grammy winners!" Mitch exclaims, before kissing Scott. "I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you. I've got you to thank for all of this."

"I may have started it but we did this together," Scott says. "We all did. All of us in Pentatonix."

"I'm just... so grateful that we're here together," Mitch whispers.

"I am too," Scott smiles. "I'm glad you're still my best friend."

"I'm glad you're still my best friend too," Mitch giggles. "So, about that house party?"

Scott laughs loudly. "Way to ruin the moment babe,"

"That's what I'm here for!" Mitch grins before kissing Scott once more, but Scott quickly grabs him and gently pushes him down on the couch. "Ah! Scott!" He laughs as he looks up at Scott.

Scott laughs. "We can have the house party after the house isn't a mess,"

Mith pouts. "Oh fine," he says, before pulling Scott down into another kiss.

"Maybe this will motivate you to help clean?" Scott suggests.

"Oh please. Mitch Grassi doesn't do cleaning. Mommy is too lazy for that," Mitch says.

Scott rolls his eyes playfully and chuckles. "Fine. You're lucky I love you,"

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