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Summary: AU // Mitch is the popular one at school and Scott is the nerd. They're complete opposites, and things get taken way too far when Mitch is dared to ask Scott out.

A/N: They'll be a part two to this at some point! :)


"Is this some type of prank?" Scott asks as he stands in the bathroom with one of the most popular kids in high school, Mitch Grassi, who had just asked Scott out on a date.

Scott, is definitely at the bottom of the popularity chain. He's the nerd who doesn't have any friends. He's a teacher's pet and always does his homework. Never gets in any trouble. The teacher's adore him, but the students... not so much. The only thing students at Martin High School care about is popularity.

If you're good looking and rich, you're popular. If you're on any sports team, you're popular.

"Why would you ask that?" Mitch asks, tilting his head.

"Because you've never spoken to me in my life. I'm pretty sure you didn't know I existed before today,"

"Not true," Mitch says, shaking his head. "I've known who you are... just kept it to myself."

"You could literally have anyone else in this school and you want to go on a date with me?" Scott asks.

"Yes," Mitch confirms. "Come over to my house and we can watch a movie or something."

"I don't know," Scott says as he rubs his arm nervously.

"Come on. What's the worst that could happen?" Mitch asks.

"Aren't you worried about what people will think if they see you hanging out with the school's nerd?"

"No," Mitch chuckles. "I don't need to worry about that. Come on, this weekend? I'll pick you up-"

"No!" Scott yells quickly. "N-No. You don't have to pick me up."

Mitch sighs. "Okay, can I at least text you my address?"

"Um, can you write it down instead? My phone is dead," Scott bites his lip.

"Okay," Mitch shrugs before pulling out a piece of paper and a pen, and then writes down his address and his phone number. "Call me or something. This weekend, my house."

"O-Okay," Scott says nervously as he takes the piece of paper from Mitch.

"See you this weekend," Mitch says, winking at Scott, before walking out of the bathroom.

Scott frowns as he looks down at the piece of paper in his hands.

How was he going to get to Mitch's house? He doesn't have a car. He can't even drive. He certainly can't have Mitch pick him up at his crappy little apartment that he can afford. Mitch would laugh at him.

Scott lives on his own and has since he was fifteen years old, when his parents kicked him out for being gay. He luckily managed to find a job and was able to buy an apartment. He can't complain about it though because he has a roof over his head and somewhere to sleep. He'd be homeless without this apartment.

Throughout the whole week Scott panicked about going to Mitch's house on Friday.

Scott decides to take a risk and ask Mitch for a ride. What's the worse that could happen?

Though, Scott has noticed that Mitch hasn't said a word to him either. It's like they never talked before, which makes Scott a little nervous about going over to his house. He feels as though Mitch is playing some sort of prank on him. It wouldn't surprise Scott. People at this school can be cruel.

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