soulmates stick together

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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch live in a world where soulmate can hear each other's thoughts and that's how they communicate. Scott and Mitch are both sixteen in high school. They've never met but that changes when Mitch finds out when Scott is moving too his school.

Mitch's thoughts are in italic and Scott's are in bold!

A/N: Thanks so much for 80k reads??? That's so much omg <3<3<3


Mitch loves his soulmate, truly, he does.

But sometimes, he just wishes his soulmate would shut up and let him concentrate in class.

Mitch's soulmate is constantly thinking, and if he isn't thinking... he's got a song stuck in his head which Mitch can't decide if that's worse or not. It just gets annoying either way.

This makes it hard for Mitch to concentrate in school and often gets in trouble.

Mitch sighs quietly as he places his head in his hands. His teacher is talking and he's desperately trying to pay attention so he can do well on the upcoming test they have but his soulmate won't shut up.

"Mitch, you need to pay attention to this," Mrs. Wilson warns when she looks over at Mitch.

Mitch finally looks up at her. "Well I'm trying to but my soulmate won't fucking shut up," he snaps.

"That's your first warning. No swearing," Mrs. Wilson sighs. "Just... tell her that you're in school."

"He," Mitch corrects. "Don't assume genders and literally you know I'm gay so why would you say that? And, I have tried telling him but he won't listen to me. I can hardly hear myself think."

"Well, just try to concentrate," Mrs. Wilson says. "This is important to know for your test."

Thanks a lot, you just got in fucking trouble again. Can you shut up?

I didn't do shit.

You're not the only one stressed out.

By twenty one pilots.

Oh my God, shut up!!!

When do I get to know your name?

I'm in class. Leave me alone.

Tell me your name.


Mitch? That's a pretty name. My name is Scott.

Nice to meet you. Now will you please shut up so I can focus? We have a test coming up.

Okay, I'm sorry. I'll try to think more quietly. Good luck on your test.

Mitch sighs in relief and relaxes again, and quickly takes out his notes.

It's a couple days later when Mitch is lying in his room when Scott's thinking loudly again.

It's 2 o'clock in the morning. Why are up so late?

I could ask you the same thing.

You woke me up with your loud thinking. What's up?

I'm just stressed out about moving. We're moving to a new state which means a new school and I'm terrified that I'm going to get bullied again. Do people accept gay people there?

Which school?

Martin High School.

Mitch gasps as he shoots up in his bed.

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