neko vs. dog

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Summary: AU // Mitch is a Neko who is terrified of dogs, but his master doesn't know this. Scott decides that it would be good to get Mitch a playmate. He tries to introduce them to each other, but unfortunately things don't go as well as Scott hoped they would.


Mitch has been watching cartoons all day, mostly Spongebob, waiting for Scott to come home from work. It's what he usually does since he has nothing else to do when he's home alone.

What else could he do? He's just a Neko.

But, as soon as he hears the door opens, he gasps and jumps up from the couch, bouncing excitedly, and his tail swinging from left to right. He couldn't wait to hug his master.

"Master, master, master," Mitch chants quietly as he waits for Scott to walk into the living room.

"Come on boy," Mitch hears Scott say, which confuses him slightly.

Then, Scott walks into the living room finally.

Mitch squeals. "Master!" He yells. He starts running towards him but stops, and hisses when he sees that Scott has a dog behind him. Mitch hates dogs. They are his biggest fear. "Beast!" Mitch screams before running and jumping onto the couch, trying to get away from the dog.

Scott frowns at Mitch's reaction. "Sweetheart, it's alright. It's just a dog,"

Mitch starts crying when the dog runs up to the couch, his tail wagging back and forth. "Get away!"

Scott hurries over to the dog and gently pulls him back. "Down, boy. Easy," he whispers as he gently starts petting him. Scott looks up at Mitch again. "Baby, it's okay. It's just Olaf. He's not going to hurt you."

"Wh-Wh-Why is he h-here?" Mitch asks, tears on his cheeks.

"Because," Scott stands up. "I hate leaving you here all by yourself all day. So, I got you a dog friend."

Mitch hisses again and glares at the dog. "Get away, beast!" He yells.

Scott frowns as Olaf whines and cowers behind him. "Mitchell, stop that right now. You're scaring him,"

Mitch gasps. "I don't want a dog friend!" He cries before running out of the living room.

"Mitch!" Scott yells, wanting to follow him instantly, but also not wanting to leave the dog alone. "Oh, shit," Scott gently pets Olaf and then he pulls out his cell phone, and calls his friend.

"Hey, Scott! What's up?" Kirstie asks when she answers her phone.

"Kirst, can you come over? I tried to surprise Mitch with a dog friend and things didn't go well,"

"You got a dog?" Kirstie asks. "Mitch is a Neko. He's probably terrified of dogs."

"I just wanted to get him a friend to play with while I'm at work all day. I feel terrible that he's home alone, so I thought maybe if I got a dog, it would make him feel less alone. But, he freaked out," Scott says. "So, can you come over and help me with Olaf while I deal with Mitch?"

"Olaf? That's so cute. What kind of dog is he?" Kirstie asks.

"He's a white husky. He's pretty big, but I thought he would be perfect size for Mitch. Guess not,"

Kirstie gasps. "A husky? Scott, you know how much I love huskies. I can't believe you didn't tell me that you were going to get a husky!" She yells, making Scott laugh.

"I'm sorry, I would have told you but it was a last minute decision," Scott says.

"Anyways, I'm done freaking out about the husky. I'm sure you'll just have to assure Mitch that not all dogs are scary. It's typical for Nekos to be scared of them," Kirstie tells him. "I'll be over in a little bit, okay? Just, keep Mitch away from Olaf for now. We'll figure something out together. Teamwork, y'know?"

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