pumpkin carving

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Summary: Scott and Mitch carve pumpkins for Halloween.

A/N: A quick drabble because I can't think of anything else to write...


"I'm glad we're doing this," Scott smiles as he sets the last pumpkin on the kitchen table. It was a small pumpkin just for Wyatt. There were two bigger ones that Scott and Mitch would be decorating.

"Me too. We don't really get to celebrate Halloween like this. We usually have something going on," Mitch says as he sits down at the table. He looks up at his boyfriend and smiles.

"I know," Scott grins. "What do you want to listen to?"

"Is that even a question?" Mitch asks, making Scott laugh.

"Beyonce it is," Scott says before grabbing his phone and putting on Lemonade. "Let's get started."

"Do you know what you're going to do, Scotty?" Mitch asks as he watches Scott sit down on the chair.

"I have a lil' idea in mind," Scott grins as he looks up at Mitch.

"Oh, great. Should I be scared?" Mitch asks, laughing.

"Probably," Scott also laughs. "No! It's going to be cute. You'll like it."

"Are pumpkins supposed to be cute?" Mitch asks, raising his eyebrows.

"They are in this household," Scott says, sticking his tongue out at Mitch.

"You're such a dork," Mitch laughs before reaching over and grabbing a black marker.

"I'm your dork, and you love it," Scott says.

"You're right. I do love it," Mitch giggles. "Now shush so I can work on my pumpkin."

Scott smiles as he watches Mitch for a moment, before he starts working on his own.

Scott takes about a half an hour to finish his pumpkin, Mitch takes a little longer.

"Are you done yet?" Scott asks, leaning against the table to try and see Mitch's pumpkin. "I wanna see!"

"Don't look! I'm almost finished, give me a minute," Mitch says quickly moving his pumpkin so that Scott can't see anything. "It needs to be perfect and I want it to be a surprise."

Scott pouts. "Fine, I'm going to work on Wyatt's then, since you're taking forever," he says as he reaches over and grabs the smallest pumpkin. He spends just a couple minutes decorating Wyatt's pumpkin, carving Wyatt's name into the pumpkin as well as a small cat.

"Okay, I think it's ready," Mitch says after a couple of minutes of silence had passed by.

Scott gasps excitedly. "Reveal time!" He grabs his pumpkin and hides it so Mitch can't see.

"Okay, you go first," Mitch says as he looks up at Scott.

"Ugh, fine," Scott says. He smiles and then he turns his pumpkin around to show Mitch. "See? It's our initials carved together with a little heart. Because you're my everything."

"Scotty, that's so cute," Mitch grins as he looks at the pumpkin.

"See? Told you it would be cute. Now enough about my pumpkin. Let me see yours!"

Mitch giggles. "I'm sorry, that sounded really dirty in my head,"

"Mitch! Get your head out of the gutter!" Scott laughs loudly.

"Okay, okay, okay. It's um, it's not that good-" Mitch begins.

"Shush. I don't even want to hear it. I just want to see your pumpkin," Scott says.

Mitch sighs and finally turns around his pumpkin, revealing it to Scott.

"Is that... Mitchie, is that the two boys holding hands emoji?" Scott asks, a smile forming on his face.

Mitch looks up at Scott and nods. "Yeah, cos we're gay together,"

"We are gay together," Scott giggles. "It's so cute! We have to take pictures!"

"You don't hate it?" Mitch asks, blinking a few times.

"Of course not. It's cute. Way cuter than mine anyways," Scott says.

"Whatever. Let's just take pictures. The fans are going to freak," Mitch chuckles as he stands up and takes out his phone. Both he and Scott take pictures of their creations and posts their pictures on twitter.

@scotthoying: look what we made! they turned out so cute, can you guys who's is who? :p

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