birthday boy

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Summary: It's Scott's birthday, and Mitch wants to make it the best.

A/N: A big happy birthday to the wonderful human being that is, Scott Hoying!


"Wake up!" Mitch yells as he jumps onto Scott's bed.

Scott groans loudly and tries to push Mitch away from him. "Go away!"

"Scotty," Mitch whines. "Wake up, birthday boy!"

"Birthday boy wants to sleep," Scott sighs and throws his arm over his face, trying to block out Mitch.

"That is no way to spend your birthday. Come on. Get up and get yourself dressed. We gotta celebrate! Plus, I'm making pancakes and I know you can't deny pancakes," Mitch says.

Scott finally looks up at Mitch and smiles. "I do love pancakes,"

"Only birthday boys who are awake get pancakes," Mitch grins and he leans down to kiss Scott once before climbing out of the bed and exiting the room.

Scott chuckles and then he reaches over and grabs his phone. He spends a few moments replying to all the texts that he's gotten from his family and friends for his birthday. He's just woken up and he's already feeling so special. He knows it's only gonna get crazier once he gets on his social medias.

Scott finally manages to get up and takes a shower, and gets dressed for the day.


"Smells delicious in here," Scott smiles as he walks into the kitchen, and sees Mitch making pancakes.

"Thanks, I hope they taste as good as they smell," Mitch smiles as he looks over at Scott. He turns around and reaches up to kiss him. "Happy birthday, Scotty." He whispers before kissing him again.

"Thank you. I love you," Scott whispers back, hugging him tightly.

"I love you too," Mitch giggles. "Now let go so I can finish these."

"No, I don't wanna let go," Scott whines as he squeezes Mitch tightly.

Mitch rolls his eyes and turns around so he can continue working on the pancakes.

Scott smiles and rests his head on Mitch's shoulder. "You're making letter pancakes? I love those!"

"I know. That's why I'm making them," Mitch giggles. "An S and an H for you. M and a G for me!"

"You're so adorable," Scott mumbles before gently kissing Mitch's neck.

"Scott, stop it," Mitch whines. "Don't distract me."

"Fine," Scott laughs. "Guess the birthday boy doesn't get what he wants." He pouts.

"That's for later," Mitch whispers as he leans back and kisses Scott once more.

Scott grins. "I guess I can wait," he says before finally letting go of Mitch.

"Thank you," Mitch smiles as he watches Scott walk out of the kitchen.

Mitch finishes making the pancakes, he puts syrup and whip cream on them, and adds strawberry's, and he's pretty proud of how they turned out. He doesn't cook very often so he's surprised he didn't burn anything. "Where's the birthday boy?" He asks as he walks out of the kitchen with Scott's plate and a glass of orange juice in his hands.He walks into the living room and smiles when he sees Scott and Wyatt.

"Finally done?" Scott asks, laughing when he sees Mitch.

"Hey, art takes time, as the famous Scott Hoying would say," Mitch says.

"Hey! You can't use my own words against me!" Scott pouts.

Mitch laughs and then he walks over to Scott and hands him his plate and drink.

"Thanks babe. This looks amazing," Scott says with a smile.

"You're welcome. Anything for my favorite boy. 

"It's Wyatt's birthday too, we can't forget about him," Scott grins.

"Don't worry, I haven't," Mitch smiles as he gently pets Wyatt. "I got him a few presents."

"Really?" Scott asks as he looks up at Mitch.

"Mhm. Of course. My little Wy Wy deserves the best," Mitch smiles.

"That's sweet. I didn't have time to get him anything," Scott pouts.

"That's okay. You thought about him and I sure he appreciates you no matter what. Also, we can say the presents were from both of us. I'll be back," Mitch says before leaving the room.

Scott smiles and takes a picture of the breakfast and tweets the picture on twitter:

@scotthoying: being treated on my birthday with breakfast! made by my favorite person @mitchgrassi.

"How does it taste?" Mitch asks as he sits down on the couch, next to Scott.

"Amazing," Scott says, a small moan escaping from his lips after tasting the pancakes.

Mitch giggles. "I'm glad you like it," he says.

"You're the best," Scott says. He reaches over and kisses Mitch's cheek and then his lips before pulling away from him again. "I love you. I know I already said that, but it's true. I do love you."

"I love you too," Mitch says with a smile. "I just want you to have a good birthday."

"I'm already having an amazing birthday so you don't have to worry about that," Scott says.

"I don't want that smile to leave your face  today," Mitch says, as he gently pokes Scott's cheek.

"Trust me, I know it won't as long as you're here," Scott whispers.

"That's sweet," Mitch says, kissing Scott once before he starts eating his breakfast.

Scott sighs happily before he also starts eating his breakfast, the smile never leaving his face.


"Did you have a good birthday?" Mitch asks as he lays down next to Scott.

"It was amazing. I had so much fun with all of my friends. You made it so special. Thank you," Scott says as he wraps his arms around Mitch to pull him into a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too," Mitch chuckles. "Now, how about that present I promised earlier?"

"I've been waiting patiently all day," Scott whines with a pout.

"I know, and you've been good about it. I'm honestly shocked you lasted this long But I'm yours now," Mitch whispers in Scott's ear. "All. Yours."

Scott grabs Mitch and pushes him down on his back, and crawls on top of him. "All mine?"

"Every inch of me," Mitch smiles. "I've been waiting all day just as much as you have."

Scott licks his lips as his eyes roam Mitch's body. "Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am?"

"You might have a few times," Mitch grins. "But, it's okay though. Because I feel the same way about you."

"I just want to cherish every moment, every second, that I spend with you," Scott whispers. He leans down and presses his lips against Mitch's to kiss him passionately. "I never want to take advantage of you."

"Scotty?" Mitch asks, blinking a few times. "You okay?"

"Just being emotional. It's been a long day. I just want you to know I love you," Scott says.

"I love you too," Mitch smiles. "Happy birthday, baby."

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