the omega

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Summary: AU // Scott is an Alpha who doesn't care about anyone's feelings. That is until he meets the homeless Omega who completely changes him and steals his heart.

A/N: anyone have any ideas for the 100th one-shot that's coming up?! :)


Scott sighs quietly as he walks through the park. He's been cooped up in his house for a couple of days, so he thought that he should go out on a walk and get some fresh air. Maybe he'll stop at the bar. It has been awhile since he's gotten drunk and hooked up with someone.

Scott is an Alpha, but he doesn't care that he's an Alpha.

Scott grew up being a rebel, and he didn't really listen to what others told him to do. He was, and still is, his own person and he likes it that way. He doesn't care about rankings but not for what you think.

Scott only cares about himself and no one else. He doesn't care about breaking hearts.

Most people know this about him, which is mostly why he has very little friends. He's not even in a pack, though he prefers to be alone because he doesn't have to worry about anyone but himself. He doesn't have to worry about Omegas or anyone.

Scott's thoughts are interrupted when he hears a deep voice yelling.

"I told you no! I'm not giving you any money!"

"Please Sir!" It's a small voice. Surely an Omega. Scott looks around and spots two men arguing.

"You want money?" The smaller boy nods desperately. "Get a fucking job!"

The Omega whimpers when the Alpha kicks him, forcing him to fall to the ground.

"Hey!" Scott yells as he rushes over to the sight. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Trying to get this Omega away from me," The Alpha snaps.

"Why can't you just give him what he wants? I'm sure he'd leave you alone if you did," Scott says.

"Why should I have to give away my money that I worked for? Hm?"

"Because that's what a decent human being would do-" Scott stops, shocking himself that he said that. He doesn't know what's come over him but seeing the helpless Omega broke his heart.

The Alpha scoffs and shakes his head. "Get a job, you filthy rat," he snaps before storming away.

The Omega whimpers and curls himself into a ball, tears slipping out of his eyes.

Scott frowns, and then he pulls out his wallet and takes out twenty dollars.

"Here," Scott bends down and tucks the twenty dollar bill into the Omegas hand.

The Omega blinks a few times as he looks down and his eyes widen.

"Buy yourself something nice," Scott says before standing up and quickly walking away.

The Omega quickly pushes himself up but the Alpha is already gone. He needs to find that Alpha.


It's been two weeks since Scott has seen the Omega. He couldn't believe that he'd done that. He actually cared about someone's feelings which is something he usually avoids.

Scott's been specifically avoiding going outside in case he runs into that Omega again.

But now he's gotten bored of just doing nothing at home and wants to go out and drink. So, he decides to dress nice and go out to the bar in hopes of finding a cute Omega to hook up with.

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