marry me

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"I just want it to be really romantic," Mitch says as he looks over at his best friend.

"No. It will be romantic. Scott will really appreciate this," Kirstie smiles at Mitch, trying to reassure him. "Figure Skating is something that Scott loved to do. Of course he would do it more often if he had time but we've just been so busy working on our second original album..."

"I know," Mitch sighs. "I used to love going to watch him skate. He was so good. He is so good."

"Weird how his passion went from figure skating to music, huh?" Kirstie chuckles.

"Yeah," Mitch shrugs. "So... you'll keep Scott busy for me on Friday, right?"

"Of course, and then I'll drop him off at the skating rink," Kirstie says. "You rented for the whole night?"

"Mhm," Mitch confirms. "I rented the rink for about... three hours. That should give us enough time."

"I can't believe you're having a picnic at a skating rink," Kirstie says, her and Mitch giggling.

"Scott's going to love it. He doesn't show it but he's such a romantic sap. There's going to food and music, and it's just going to be the two of us. We haven't gotten any quality couple time for a long time," Mitch smiles at the thought of spending a night with just him and Scott. He can't wait, and he just hopes that Scott doesn't reject him. They've only been dating for three years but they've been best friends since they were ten years old and there's no one else Mitch would want to spend the rest of his life with.

"I always knew that you two were going to end up together eventually," Kirstie says. "I could see it. Even back in high school when I dated you both. I just knew Scott was in love with you."

"Yeah, sorry about that..." Mitch chuckles. "I'm glad we got past that."

"Hey, whatever makes you two happy. You're my best friend, and so is Scott," Kirstie gently nudges Mitch.

Mitch smiles and rests his head on Kirstie's shoulder, sighing. "What if he says no?"

"Are you serious?" Kirstie scoffs. "Scott would never say no to you. He's totally in love with you."

"But, what if he doesn't want to get married right now? What if he's not ready? We're still young..."

"Scott is twenty six years old babe. He's an adult, and a lot of people get engaged at this age. You guys have known each other practically your whole lives so it's totally okay to get married now. I'm sure Scott won't even care about how young you are. All he'll care about is the dress you'll walk down the aisle in,"

Mitch blushes. "I can't wait to go dress shopping," he giggles.

"You better not go without me," Kirstie says. "Or I'll never forgive you!"

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