just you

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Summary: One argument between Mitch and Scott leads Scott to running off. Scott has to find Mitch again before things go from bad to worse.

A/n: 200K VIEWS??? AHH thank you guys so much! This makes me so happy. I can't believe so many people read this book. Like, you guys haven't gotten sick of me yet? LOL. I really do enjoy writing these little one-shots and I definitely enjoy reading all the comments you guys post. Really, thank you so much. I hope you guys are still enjoying reading these. And, if there's anything you guys want me to write, don't hesitate to comment :)


"Mitchy, do you want to go out tonight?" Scott asks as he skips into the living room.

Mitch blinks a few times as he looks over at his boyfriend. "Why the hell are you in such a good mood?"

"I just am," Scott replies with a shrug before flopping down on the couch next to Mitch. "What are you doing? Do you want to go do something fun? Because I'm bored." He cuddles up to Mitch.

"Quit it, Scott!" Mitch snaps as he shrugs Scott off of him, earning a pout from Scott. "I don't want to go anywhere, alright? Why don't you go ask one of your friends? Seems like you only wanna hang out with them nowadays anyways." He scoffs and looks over at the TV, though not paying attention to what is on.

Scott blinks a few times as he stares at Mitch, shocked at his outburst. "Hold on. Are you saying that I'm not allowed to hang out with my friends?" He asks, pushing himself up.

"When did I ever say that?" Mitch asks, looking over at Scott.

"That's what you're implying," Scott says. "I do have other friends, you know?"

"Okay... and I get that, but that doesn't mean that you can just push your boyfriend aside," Mitch snaps.

"What is wrong with you today?" Scott asks, clearly offended by Mitch's attitude.

"Nothing!" Mitch shouts angrily, throwing his arms up before standing up. "Just go away. Clearly I'm not important enough for you to spend time with these days." He shakes his head before storming out of the living room, leaving Scott confused by the "fight" that just happened.

Scott quickly wipes away a tear that slipped out of his eyes and then he quickly pulls out his phone and decides to text Mason. If that's the way Mitch wants to be, then he will hang out with his other friends.

Mitch runs up to his bedroom and slams his door shut. He grabs a bag from his closet and starts throwing random things into the bag. He doesn't exactly know where he's planning on going... but he just feels the need to get away for a few days. Mitch doesn't feel wanted in his own home.

Mitch decides to stay at a fancy hotel in L.A. He wants to treat himself and stay away from the drama. He didn't tell anyone where he was going. He certainly didn't tell Scott where he was going.

But, it didn't take very long for Scott to realize that Mitch is gone. As in, nowhere to be seen.

"Mitch?" Scott calls as he walks into Mitch's bedroom. He looks around and frowns when he doesn't see Mitch anywhere. He makes sure to check Mitch's large closet. Still not there. "Mitch!"

Now Scott is starting to panic, and then he remembers the fight they had.

"Shit!" Scott shouts before running out of Mitch's bedroom. He pulls out his phone and calls Kirstie.

"Kirst, have you seen Mitch anywhere?" Scott asks, taking deep breath.

"What? No... I haven't talked to Mitch in a couple of days. Is everything okay?" Kirstie asks.

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