swimsuit model

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Summary: AU // Mitch and Kirstie are staying a hotel for a weekend where it's rumored there will be swimsuit models there for a photoshoot. So, of course, they spend the day at the pool in hopes of catching glimpses at the swimsuit models.


Mitch had suddenly decided to go to a hotel for the weekend with his best friend, Kirstie. It's been a very long week of working nonstop, and he just wanted to take some time for himself for a couple of days, and spend time with his best friend. They hardly get to see each other anymore.

"Oh my gosh, I just remembered! I heard that there's supposed to be some really cute swimsuit models at this hotel this weekend," Kirstie says suddenly as they walk down the hallway to their hotel room.

Mitch raises his eyebrows as he looks over at Kirstie. "Where did you hear that from?" He asks.

"I heard a few of the maids talking about it," Kirstie shrugs. "Who knows if it's true or not?"

"Well, maybe we'll get lucky and run into one of those cute swimsuit models," Mitch says.

"Right. So, we'll spend most of the day at the pool tomorrow?" Kirstie giggles.

"Hell yeah. I can't think of a better way to spend my Saturday," Mitch says.

Mitch and Kirstie spend the first night at the hotel, in their hotel room. They decided to have a girls night with doing each others nails and makeup while watching movies and eating snacks. And, of course, gossiping about all the latest pop news and cute boys. It was fairly simply, but they had the best time. They never get to have girls nights like these anymore since they're both constantly busy with work.

Mitch hopes that the rumors were true about the swimsuit models, because he's never met a model before, but it's even better that they were male swimsuit models, or that's what Kirstie told him. He would love nothing more than to spend his Saturday staring at handsome swimsuit models.

Mitch sighs as he pushes the door open to the pool. He's already in his swim trunks, and he's got a bag of his and Kirstie's stuff in his hands. Kirstie is still upstairs in their hotel room.

Mitch looks around the pool area. There were a lot of women at the pool.

Mitch chuckles to himself. "Guess the rumors are true," he mumbles before walking over to one of the few empty tables left. He sets his stuff down, and then pulls out his phone, sending a quick text to Kirstie.

Mitch walks over to the side of the pool and sits down on the edge, dipping his feet in. Thankfully the water isn't too cold, but Mitch doesn't want to get in without Kirstie being here.

About ten minutes have passed, and Kirstie still isn't down at the pool yet.

Then, Mitch hears a bunch of commotion. He looks over and sees the doors open, and his eyes widen when he sees a group of men walk into the pool. They're all shirtless and wearing swim trunks.

"Holy shit," Mitch squeaks. He looks around, all the women are swooning over the men.

"Wouldn't they want to do this in an empty pool?" Mitch hears a girl ask her friend.

"Apparently they want to do in a natural environment or some shit," the friend replies, and Mitch chuckles.

Mitch stands up and he quickly hurries over to his table to text Kirstie. He nearly trips but he quickly catches himself by grabbing onto the table. His hands are shaking, and he has no idea why. He's usually not this nervous when it comes to men. Normally he's quite confident.

Mitch looks over with wide eyes, and then a certain tall blonde catches his attention. He slowly sets his phone down, completely forgetting about texting Kirstie. "Shit," he whispers as he stares.

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