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A/N: This is a continuation of the last one-shot.

I've never gotten so many requests for a part two like I did with the last one haha.


"I have to marry Princess Kirstin. It's my father's wish-"

"And what about what you want, Scott? What about us? What about everything that we've been through?"

"My father is dying, Mitchell. I'm going to be king whether I like it or not!"

"Right. You are going to be king, Scott. You don't have to listen to him anymore!"

"It's not that simple!" Scott yells angrily. "Fuck. Why don't you understand? I love you. We can-"

"I cannot be with you while you're married. It's disrespectful to Princess Kirstin," Mitch whispers.

"But I don't care about her. I care about you,"

"Clearly not enough if you're willing to marry a Princess because you're father wants you to," Mitch snaps before storming out of the bathroom without saying another word to the prince.


It's been two years since Mitch had started a relationship with Prince Scott. He is completely head over heels in love with the older boy. He cares so much about him, and loves him so much.

Unfortunately they've had to keep their relationship a secret otherwise the king my would kick Mitch out of the castle if he found out what was going on and send him back to live where he barely survived.

But now, the king is dying.

His dying wish is for Scott to marry a princess and take his place as king. Scott couldn't say no to him.

Today is the day Scott is marrying Princess Kirstin. Everybody is celebrating outside.

Everybody except for Mitch. He just couldn't bare to see Scott marry someone else that isn't him. It absolutely broke his heart that Scott just gave up on them.

Mitch sniffs as he sits on his bed, leftover tears on his cheeks. He can hear the loud music outside and people cheering. There's no way Mitch can continue to stay here and watch Scott be with someone else.

Mitch quickly wipes away his tears and then he grabs his bag and stands up from the bed. He takes a deep breath as he looks around one last time before walking out of his bedroom.

Mitch makes his way out of the castle. Everybody is at the wedding. At least, that's what Mitch thought.


Mitch slowly stops walking but he doesn't turn around.


Kevin rushes up to him, walking in front of him to stop him from going any further. "What are you doing? Why do you have your bag with you?" He questions, looking up and down at Mitch.

"I am going back to my family in the village," Mitch says sadly as he looks up at Mitch. "I have no use here anymore. It was nice working with you, Kevin. I hope I will get to see you again" He sniffs.

"What? You can't just leave. What about Scott?"

"What about him?" Mitch asks as he looks up at Kevin.

Kevin sighs. "Scott confessed to me about you two a few days ago. He needed to tell someone and... he told me. You cannot leave. Scott needs you," he says.

"Scott has the princess!" Mitch cries, letting tears pour out of his eyes

Kevin jumps slightly at Mitch's raised voice. "Mitch, Scott didn't..."

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