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Summary: Mitch gets kidnapped and taken one night, and two days later... Scott also gets taken. Will they be stuck forever or will they make it out together?

Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, homophobia

A/N: This isn't totally how I wanted this to turn out but I was in rush to get this finished because it's been ages since I've posted a one-shot lol. Hopefully you still enjoy it?


"I'll be fine," Mitch tells Kirstie as he slips on his shoes.

"But, Mitch... no one in their right mind would walk alone when it's 2 o'clock in the morning," Kirstie whines. "At least let me drive you home. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you."

"That's out of the question. You're literally about to fall asleep on the couch right now," Mitch argues.

"Please-" Kirstie sighs in defeat, too exhausted to argue any further. "At least text me when you get home?"

"You'll probably be passed out by the time I get home, but sure. See you tomorrow at school?"

"As always. Don't forget about that English assignment. It's due on Wednesday," Kirstie reminds Mitch.

"Fuck," Mitch curses quietly. "I hate writing essays."

"Just remember, there's only two more years of this hell and then we're free!" Kirstie exclaims.

Mitch laughs and shakes his head. "You need sleep, girl. I gotta go before it gets any later. Love you," he says before he blows a kiss to Kirstie, then he opens the door and walks out without saying another word.

Luckily Mitch's house is only about ten minutes away from Kirstie's house.

Mitch makes it about ten minutes into walking before he feels like someone is following him. He keeps looking back but he never sees anybody. He starts worrying though, so he starts walking faster.

Mitch starts to pull out his phone but he yelps when someone grabs him and quickly covers his mouth with their hand. He tries to kick his way out of the grip but nothing works.

"Not so fast,"

Then, Mitch feels something sharp and everything goes black.


Mitch groans as he wakes up, his back is aching. His eyes open and he frowns when he finds himself staring at a grey ceiling, which definitely isn't what his ceiling looks like. He sits up and looks around, and his eyes widen when he realizes that he definitely isn't in his bedroom or Kirstie's bedroom.

"Oh no," Mitch tries looking for his cell phone but he can't find it anywhere. He looks around again.

It looks like he's basically in a box. A prison box. There's a small toilet in between two small beds, and that's it. There's nothing more in the room. There's a door but Mitch assumes that it's locked.

What happened last night?

Where is he?

And who took him?

Mitch has so many questions that he knows will probably not get answered.

Mitch sits alone in the room for nearly two days without seeing anyone. Nobody comes in at all. He's starving and he's worried that he'll never get out of this room alive. He should have listened to Kirstie, and he wouldn't be here right now. He should have just stayed the night but no, he had to insist.

"Get off of me!"

Mitch looks up the second he hears yelling from outside. He quickly sits up in his bed.

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