drunk at vidcon

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Summary: It's Scott and Mitch's first time at Vidcon as Superfruit. Things seem to be going pretty well for them until Scott's anxiety starts kicking in and he finds himself drunk at a youtube party. 

A/N: This  is includes Dan and Phil, so if you don't like phan then don't read this lol.


It was going to be Scott and Mitch's first time at Vidcon going as Superfruit. Of course, they've been to Vidcon before as Pentatonix with their other band members. But, this is different.

They're both feeling the excitement, but they were also extremely nervous. They were excited about meeting some of their Superfruit viewers. The two don't really get to have meet-and-greets as Superfruit. They were also going to perform a couple of Superfruit songs from their latest album 'Future Friends'.

"I think I might actually throw up," Mitch suddenly announces.

Scott instantly looks over at Mitch and frowns, before pulling the smaller boy into his arms. "Don't say that, Mitchy. Are you sure you want to do this meet-and-greet? Do you need some water? Anything at all?"

Mitch chuckles. "One question at a time please," he says.

"I'm sorry," Scott apologizes. "I just don't want you to have a panic attack. You got really anxious earlier."

"I promise I'm not going to have a panic attack," Mitch assures his boyfriend. "I'm feeling a little anxious but it's our first ever meet-and-greet at Vidcon so it's normal to feel a little anxious, right?"

"Right," Scott smiles and nods. "I'm even feeling a little anxious myself, but it's going to be fine. Look, people are already waiting for us out there and they're excited." he gently moves the curtain slightly, revealing the large crowd of people waiting for them. "Our first ever Superfruit meet-and-greet."

"And hopefully the first of many," Mitch adds, looking up at Scott with a smile.

"Mhm," Scott leans down and gently kisses Mitch. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's do this. I'm ready to meet all of our fans. They've been waiting for hours!"

Luckily, the meet-and-greet went great and there were no issues. Scott and Mitch absolutely love meeting their fans. Mitch's anxiety went away almost instantly once the meet-and-greet started.

Although, Scott's own anxiety suddenly starts picking up once they start running into new youtubers and start becoming crowded by more people that they don't know. There are thousands of people at Vidcon. But, of course, they're already friends with a lot of youtubers, but that won't stop Scott's social anxiety.

"Ready to go?" Mitch asks, looking over at Scott, who's currently sitting at the end of their hotel bed.

Scott blinks a few times as he looks up, being shaken out of his thoughts by Mitch's voice. It's a bit later, and now they're getting ready to head down to one of the big youtuber parties.

"Uh, yeah..." Scott mumbles, before standing up. He grabs his phone and walks over to Scott.

"Hey, you okay?" Mitch asks as he places his hand on Scott's arm.

"I'm fine," Scott lies quickly, forcing a smile. "Let's just get going. People are waiting for us."

Mitch frowns, but slowly nods. "Okay, but, you'll tell me you want to leave? Just like I'll do with you,"

"Of course," Scott says. "As long as there's alcohol at this party, then I'll be fine."

"Oh, there's definitely going to be alcohol at the party," Mitch chuckles. He grabs Scott's hand and leads the way out of their hotel room. They make their way down to the party, where there are already tons of youtubers getting together and catching up with each other. Scott is a bit overwhelmed.

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