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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch are roommates at college, and are best friends. One night, Scott decides he wants to go to a party and have fun. This leads to him getting drunk and awkwardness ensues when he gets back to the dorm.


Scott hadn't planned on going to that party. Really, he had studying to do. It just happened.

Now, he's drunk. Mitch is going to be pissed at him when he finds out, Scott's going to have to deal with him in the morning, but it was worth it. He made out with a few hot guys at the party and danced all night long.

It was nice getting away from all of the studying and doing college work. He couldn't seem to get a break until tonight. It was a random decision that he made last minute, and he's glad he did.

Except, now he's back at his dorm room, that he shares with his best friend Mitch. They grew up together, and somehow ended up going to the same college. Scott doesn't mind though. It's nice having someone you know at college. They're both at college for music, so they have a lot in common.

Scott's always had a crush on Mitch, but he would never admit that to him out loud, in fear of rejection.

Scott slowly opens the door. He looks up and sees the lights are off, which means that Mitch is asleep, because he's a normal college student who actually does his work. Well, Scott does his work usually. But, sometimes... he just likes to push his work aside and have a little fun like he did tonight.

Scott walks into the room, and quietly shuts the door behind him. He starts walking further into the room, wanting to make it to his bed as quietly as possible so he doesn't wake up Mitch.

Scott lets out a yelp when he trips over a book lying on the floor, sending him tumbling to the ground, and lying right on the edge of Mitch's bed. Scott groans after he lands on the bed, and grabs his head.

Mitch gasps as he sits up, feeling the weight on his bed, and then he sees a figure at the bed. His first instinct is to kick whoever it is, so he does. He kicks as hard as he can. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Fuck," Scott groans, coughing a few times. "What the fuck, Mitch?"

Mitch's eyes widen when he realizes that it's Scott who he's just kicked in the head. He reaches over and quickly turns on the light. He looks over at Scott again and gasps. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry. I had no idea..." he laughs nervously. "This is awkward." He quickly crawls over to Scott. He gently lifts up Scott's head and frowns at the bruise that's now forming on Scott's face. "Does it hurt?"

Scott glares at him. "I just got fucking kicked in the face. What do you think?"

"Hey, don't be mad at me. What else was I supposed to do?" Mitch asks.

"Not kick me in the face!" Scott yells, grabbing his jaw. "Ow. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. That hurts."

"Stay there," Mitch says. He quickly gets out of bed and rushes to the freezer. He moves a few items around before finally pulling out an ice pack. "I knew having an ice pack in the freezer would be useful." He smiles, then he quickly runs back to Scott. He wraps his arm around him and helps him on the bed.

Scott blinks a few times as he looks up at Mitch. "What are you...?"

"Shh," Mitch says. He takes the ice pack and carefully places it on the bruise forming on Scott's face. "Keep that there. It's late, so we'll have to go to the nurse in the morning. I'm sorry for kicking you, Scott. It's just... I saw someone at the end of the bed and panicked. I thought you were a burglar."

Scott sighs as he holds onto the ice pack. "I'm not mad at you or anything. No need to apologize,"

"Where were you? It's 2 o'clock in the morning," Mitch says, sitting down beside Scott.

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