mr. grinch

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CantSleepMitch here you go <3 sorry if sucks, hope you still like it tho!

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CantSleepMitch here you go <3 sorry if sucks, hope you still like it tho!


Scott hated Christmas, and he hates that he hated Christmas because it used to be one of his favorite holidays of the year. It was a time to spend with your family and loved ones.

Unfortunately, Scott's had so many bad breakups around Christmas time that he just... gave up. He lived in an apartment complex and he's the only one who never decorates his apartment, never puts up a Christmas tree and buys presents. He never does anything to celebrate Christmas anymore.

Scott absolutely hates walking around town during Christmas. He sees all these decorations, and all the couples being in love. He just wishes he could find someone that would love him, and not cheat on him, or break up with him the night before Christmas. He just can't trust anyone these days.

Scott sighs as he walks past the many shops. It's snowing, and it's freezing. But, that's to be expected. He's in New York now during Christmas time. He came prepared though. He's wearing a large jacket to keep him warm and cozy, gloves, a hat, everything that he needs.

Scott is too busy staring at all the shops he's walking past. He's very tempted to go in some of them and check everything out but he promised himself that he wouldn't spend too much money in New York.

Scott gasps as soon as he bumps into someone, and watches as the person tumbles to the ground.

"Fuck," the man groans as he hits the ground.

Scott's eyes widen and he quickly bends down and helps the man back up. "Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry..."

"Watch where you're going next time-" The man looks up at Scott and instantly freezes. He can't help but stare into Scott's bright blue eyes. He's never seen anyone like him before. "I... I'm sorry." he blushes.

"What are you apologizing for? I'm the one who knocked you to the ground," Scott frowns.

"You're right. I'll forgive you... only if you buy me some hot chocolate," he says.

"Ugh. I guess if I have to," Scott rolls his eyes playfully, and then he smiles at the man. "I'm Scott."

"Mitch," the man smiles as he shakes hands with Scott. "About that hot chocolate?"

Scott giggles and holds his arm out for Mitch. "Shall we?"

"We shall," Mitch says before they start walking towards the Starbucks to get hot chocolate.

Scott isn't usually like this, especially after being burned so many times by men, but there is something about Mitch that made him want to stay with him longer, and the man also happens to be very attracted which is always a bonus for Scott considering he is interested in men.

"Here you go," Scott says as he hands Mitch his hot chocolate. "I don't normally do stuff like this."

"I can't believe you actually got me hot chocolate," Mitch chuckles as he takes the drink.

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