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Summary: Mitch loses something important, Esther happens to be the one who finds it, resulting in Scott and Mitch announcing something special to the rest of the band.


The first thing Mitch notices when he wakes up in the morning is the missing ring on his finger.

Mitch gasps and shoots up in his bed and instantly starts looking around. "Shit, shit, shit, no..."

Scott groans as he wakes up, hearing the noise that's being caused by his fiance. "Mitchy?"

"No, don't say anything. Everything's fine," Mitch says, panicked, as he starts throwing clothes out of the closet, going through each and every item of clothing that he has, looking for his ring.

Scott is fully awake when one of Mitch's very expensive shirts gets thrown at his face. "Mitch," he groans as he pushes himself up on his shoulders. "What is going on?"

"It's gone!" Mitch yells as he walks back out of the closet, tears threatening to pour out of his eyes.

"What's gone?" Scott asks as he scoots over to the edge of the bed, closer to Mitch.

"My ring!" Mitch cries, letting a sob escape from his mouth. "I'm sorry Scott! I didn't mean to-"

"Hey, shh," Scott quickly stands up from the bed and rushes over to Mitch, wrapping his arms around Mitch and pulling him into a comforting hug, wanting to calm the smaller boy as quickly as possible.

Mitch let's Scott hug him for a moment, clutching onto Scott's shirt tightly as tears spill out of his eyes, before he pushes Scott away and furiously wipes at his eyes. "W-We have to find it!"

"We'll find it, okay, baby? I'll help you look. It'll be okay," Scott says softly.

Mitch sniffs as he looks up at Scott. "Y-You aren't mad at me?"

Scott frowns. "Why would I be mad?" He asks, gently rubbing Mitch's arm soothingly.

"B-Because... I lost the damn ring that you spent so much money on!" Mitch yells, throwing his arms up. "How could you not be mad at me?"

"Mitchy, I'm not mad. It was an accident. You didn't purposely lose the ring-"

"I didn't! I swear!" Mitch exclaims quickly, his eyes going wide. "It would never! It means so much to me! I was being so careful. I don't know how I could have lost it!"

"I believe you, I promise I'm not mad at you. Let's look around the house. We have to go to the studio later and we'll continue looking if we can't find it," Scott says.

Mitch takes a deep breath and slowly nods. "Th-Thank you," he whispers.

"You know I'll always be there for you, even when you do lose my expensive rings,"

Mitch gasps. "You said you weren't mad!" He yells.

"I was just kidding baby," Scott laughs and pulls Mitch into another hug.

"I hate you," Mitch mumbles into Scott's chest, taking in the warmth of his fiance.


Scott and Mitch spent over two hours looking for the ring, and came up. Mitch is devested, and now the house was a complete wreck, which was mostly Mitch's doing as he was so desperate to find the ring.

"I'm not mad, I promise," Scott says, holding onto Mitch's hand as they walk into the studio.

"I've never hated myself more than I do right now," Mitch mumbles.

"It's okay, we can easily replace it if we don't find it," Scott assures.

"It won't have the same special meaning to it," Mitch sighs.

"I know, but it's better than nothing, right?" Scott gently nudges Mitch and then he smiles when he sees the other three band mates, waiting for them obviously.

"Finally!" Kirstie exclaims as soon as she spots the two boys. "You're late."

"Again," Kevin says, stating the fact. "What was it this time?"

"Okay, we actually have a good excuse this time," Scott defends. "Mitch lost-" He hesitates. "Mitch lost something important and we had to find it, unfortunately, we didn't."

"What did you lose?" Kirstie asks, frowning, looking over at Mitch.

"Just... something very important to me," Mitch mumbles. "Can we just... get started?"

"Wait, can I talk to you guys?" Esther asks, walking up to them.

"Sure," Scott nods, and then they follow Esther out of the studio. "We're not in trouble, are we?"

"No," Esther chuckles, and she turns to look at the two. "You said you lost something?"

Mitch nods. "Yeah," he says, blinking a few times.

"Would it happen to be this?" Esther asks as she pulls out a silver ring out of her pocket.

Mitch gasps. "Oh my God!" He immediately takes it from Esther.

"Oh, thank God!" Scott let's out a sigh of relief.

"Esther, thank you!" Mitch sobs happily and flings his arm around Esther to hug her tightly.

"Aw, you're so welcome," Esther laughs as she hugs Mitch back.

"Where did you find it?" Scott asks. "We looked everywhere!"

"It was in the studio booth. It must have slipped off your finger or something," Esther shrugs.

Mitch pulls away from her and quickly wipes away his tears. "I-I thought I lost it. It means so much to me, seriously. You have no idea how much I appreciate this. Both of us," he says, sniffing.

"Aw, baby," Scott coos as he wraps his arms around Mitch, holding onto him tightly.

"Now, I'm not a ring expert or anything... and correct me if I'm wrong, but, is that an engagement ring?" Esther asks, raising her eyebrows. "Are you two engaged?"

Scott chuckles. "Nothing gets passed you Essy,"

Esther smiles brightly and her eyes light up. "Congratulations, you guys!" She then hugs both of the boys, before pulling away again. "I'm so happy, why didn't you tell anyone?"

"We were going to... we just wanted to wait, soak it all in for a little bit to ourselves," Scott shrugs.

"I think you should tell them," Esther says. "They'll be happy."

Mitch bites his lip slightly as he looks over at Scott. "Should we?" He asks nervously.

"It's been a couple of weeks. So, why not?" Scott nods.

"Okay, then let's go," Mitch grabs Scott's hand and then dragged him back into the studio.

"Everything alright?" Kirstie asks when the two boys return.

"Yes," they both nod. "I found what I was looking for."

"Which was?" Kirstie asks, raising her eyebrows.

"This," Mitch smiles and then he shows his hand, showing off the silver ring on his finger.

Kirstie gasps. "Is that what I think it is?" She squeals excitedly.

"Yes," Scott laughs at her reaction. "We're engaged!"

"Congratulations!" Kevin says as he stands up to hug the two.

"Thanks, Kev," Scott smiles and then he hugs Avi as well. "We're so excited."

"Oh my gosh. Who proposed to who? When? Where?" Kirstie asks.

"Girl, I have so much to tell. It's been so hard keeping it a secret," Mitch laughs.

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