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Summary: AU - Scott is an Omega. His parents are sending him to a school where ranks don't matter and Scott is terrified. Luckily he meets a nice Alpha who eventually becomes his protector.

Trigger Warnings: noncon!


"I don't want to go to this school mom, please," Scott begs as he sits in the backseat of the car.

"Honey, everything is going to be fine," Connie says, looking back at her son.

"No it won't be! Everyone is going to pick on me because I'm an Omega. Who thought it was a good idea to let Alphas be in the same school as us? They're going to control us," Scott complains.

"No, it's not like that. It's a normal school. Ranks don't matter here," Connie tries again.

"I'm a male Omega. I'm never going to make it at this school. How many other male Omegas are there?"

"Actually... quite a few. I talked to the principal and he said there are about twenty. I know that's not a lot but it's still more than there were at your old Omega school. Back in your old school there were only six," Connie says. "Try and make friends with them. I want you to make friends."

"Scott Richard, stop arguing with your mother. You should just be grateful we're letting you go to school,"

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry. I am grateful Sir," Scott says quietly.

"Rick," Connie warns. "I told you not to talk to him like that."

"Well, it's ridiculous. It's just a school. We wouldn't be taking him to this one if there were problems. We talked to all the teacher's and the principal. Even Mike and Nel said this school is great," Rick snaps.

"Yes, but you can't blame him for being scared. It's rough for male Omegas," Connie says softly. "He's being put into a school that is mostly made of Alphas. He's never been around so many before."

"Well, we're here now. We don't want Scott to be late..."

Scott grabs his backpack and takes a deep breath before getting out of the car. He says goodbye to his parents before walking into the school building. He looks around and sees the hallway is pretty much packed with student going to classes and being at their lockers.

Scott pulls out his schedule and sees he has English first.

There's only one problem... he doesn't know where any of his classes are.

"Do you need help?"

Scott jumps at the sudden voice. He looks up and sees a brown haired boy walking up to him. Scott backs up a little. He hates talking to strangers. He knows if he says the wrong thing, he'll be punished. Scott's only been punished a couple times in his life and he wants to keep it like that.

"I-I-" Scott hesitates. The boy is small, maybe he's also an Omega like him. Maybe he's nice?

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," he says softly. "My name is Mitch. What's your name?"

"S-Scott," Scott answers. "M-My name is Scott."

"Nice to meet you, Scott. Do you need help getting to your classes?"

Scott slowly nods. "I-I don't know where a-anything is,"

"I'll help you. Let me see your schedule," Mitch says as he reaches over and takes the paper from Scott. He goes to look at Scott's classes but then sees at the top that it says Scott is an Omega. "Wow. You're the tallest Omega I've ever seen." He looks up at Scott and smiles.

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