apocalypse (final)

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Summary: AU // It's been four years since the apocalypse has started, and it's been four years since Scott has seen his boyfriend, or any of his friends and families. He knows most of them are dead, so he's given up hope on seeing any of them ever again.

Until one day... when he sees a familiar face or two.

A/N: Probably could have made am actual story out of this. Oh well lol.


"I've finished all the books in this room," Kirstie announces as she sets another book beside her.

Mitch and Scott look over at her though neither of them move from the comfortable spot they've been in, cuddled up together in one of the blankets on the floor. They've been like this since they woke up.

"There might be some more in the library," Scott says before letting out a yawn.

"I want to go hunting today," Kirstie says as she stands up. "Can I borrow your gun, Scott?"

"Kirst, it's not safe to go out by yourself," Scott bites his lip.

"I'm a big girl. I know how to take care of myself. I'll be extra careful. We haven't eaten in two weeks. I don't know how much longer I can go without eating. I'm getting weaker. We all are," Kirstie sighs.

"She's right, Scott. We can't just stay hidden in here forever even though I would like to. There's a woods behind the school so maybe there's a chance that there's some type of animal out there-"

"Like a zombie?" Scott asks. "You can't go alone."

Kirstie sighs. "Okay, so will you go with me?" She asks. "Mitch can stay and guard the school."

"Wait, you're going to leave me all alone? What if someone comes around?" Mitch asks, eyes going wide.

Scott bites his lip. "Lock the door. We'll only be gone for an hour tops, and when we come back... we'll knock on the door four times so you know it'll be us. Does that sound good?" Scott asks.

Mitch takes a deep breath. "I guess that'll work," he says quietly.

"I'm sorry baby, I can't let Kirstie go out alone. It's not safe. It'll only be for an hour," Scott whispers.

"Promise me you'll come back?" Mitch whispers as he hugs Scott.

Scott hesitates. "I promise," he closes his eyes as he hugs Mitch tight and pulls away so he can kiss him, and then they both stand up. "We've got a loaded gun so we should be fine."

"You both better be extremely careful. I can't lose either of you," Mitch warns softly. He walks over to Kirstie and gives her a tight hug before he watches them grab whatever they need and head out. Mitch shuts the door and pushes an old chair under the doorknob so nobody could get in.

Mitch leans against the wall and closes his eyes. "Please be safe," he whispers.


Mitch doesn't know how long it's been since Scott and Kirstie left, though he assumes that it's been about a half an hour. He's extremely bored and he starts to read a book but he gets bored with it.

"Hurry up Scott," Mitch groans as he stands up from the chair he's been sitting on.

Mitch sighs and he looks around, then he turns his head towards the door when he hears noises coming from outside. He hesitates before walking over to the door and grabbing the chair. He opens the door and peeks through to see if he can see or hear anything. He hopes that it's just Scott and Kirstie.

"Looks like nobody else is around," a deep voice spoke.

"Yeah, but they could be hiding so we have to be careful,"

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