not an alpha

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Summary: AU // Scott is presented as an Alpha on his sixteenth birthday, but he doesn't want to be an Alpha. He wants to be an Omega. When his parents don't allow him to be who he wants to be, he runs away and meets an Alpha who's willing to love him for who he wants to be.


Scott takes a deep breath as he slowly walks into his bathroom, avoiding the mirror at all costs.

Today's the day. His sixteenth birthday. The day he's been absolutely dreading.

Scott is going to find out if he's an Alpha or an Omega.

Scott has hopes for Omega. He does not want to be an Alpha because being an Alpha is scary to him.

Being an Alpha does not fit his personality type. He cannot look after someone else when he relies still on being looked after by other people. He is shy and scared and needs to be protected at all times.

Scott likes it like that.

Scott knows that if he's an Alpha that he's going to have to find an Omega of his own and mate with them. His parents are counting on him to give them grandchildren.

Scott closes his eyes for a moment and then looks up and gasps when he sees red eyes instead of blue.

"No! No!" Scott cries, stomping his feet. His eyes begin watering up and he quickly shakes his head, making the red eyes disappear. "No! I'm not an Alpha! I Can't be!" Scott quickly runs out of the bathroom and then he runs downstairs to find his mom, hoping she can fix the problem. "Mommy!"

"I'm in here, sweetheart!"

Scott sniffs and runs to the kitchen. He looks around and sees his mom preparing lunch, most likely a birthday lunch as it's Scott's birthday. "Mommy!" He runs over to her and hugs her tightly.

"Oh, goodness Scott. What's going on with you?" Connie asks, wrapping her arms around her son.

"Mommy, I don't want to be an Alpha!"

"Oh dear. Let me see," Connie says, her full attention on Scott.

Scott hesitates before turning his eyes red.

"I'm so sorry. I know how much you wanted to be an Omega. But, I'm sure you will be a great Alpha,"

"No! I can't be an Alpha! Isn't there something we can do?" Scott asks hopefully.

"I'm sorry, Scotty. It's already been done and you can't change it," Connie frowns.

"Where is he?"

Scott gasps when he hears his dad's voice. He doesn't want his dad to know he's an Alpha. Scott quickly looks around and goes to hide under the table but Connie quickly grabs him and pulls him back up.

Rick walks into the kitchen and smiles when he sees Scott. "There's the birthday boy. Let me see,"

Scott sighs in defeat and changes his eyes to red once again. He hates having red eyes.

"That's my boy. I know you would be an Alpha," Rick grins. He walks over to Scott and hugs him.

"Papa, I don't want to be an Alpha," Scott whines as he looks up at his dad.

"Nonsense. Being an Alpha is wonderful. You have power and control. You don't have to listen to others," Rick says. "Omegas have to worry a lot more, just ask your mom. She will tell you all about it."

"It's true, Scotty-" Connie sighs. "Alphas think they own their Omegas... not my Alpha of course. I got lucky and have a wonderful. But most Alphas want to use their Omegas for their own personal pleasure. They beat their Omegas and punish them if they make the wrong move. It's hard being an Omega,"

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