the shy boy

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Summary: AU // Scott is the boy at school that nobody talks to. He's shy, and doesn't let anyone come close to him. Mitch is the newer kid at school, and can't help but be curious about Scott.


"Who is that? That boy over there?" Mitch whispers to his best friend, Kirstie.

Kirstie glances over and sighs when she sees who Mitch is talking about. They're sitting in the library, doing an assignment for English class. Mitch could hardly focus on his assignment. He's too busy staring at a blonde boy sitting by himself at a table. Mitch sees him all the time. They have a couple of classes with each other, but they've never spoken to each other. Mitch can't help but be curious.

"Oh, that's Scott Hoying," Kirstie whispers back.

"Why does he always sit by himself?" Mitch asks curiously.

"Because... he's really weird. He has anxiety or something. Starts shaking like a leaf whenever anybody goes near him. I tried talking to him once before and he acted like I was totally going to hit him. Me. I've never hit anyone in my life before. I can hardly kill a fly so do you really think I'd punch a person?"

Mitch chuckles. "Do you know anything about him?"

"He's gay," Kirstie replies. "He gets picked on a lot for it too. I heard that he has a pretty crappy home life. His dad is like super abusive and went to jail for nearly killing his mom. Now his mom isn't around either, so I guess I can understand the way he is after all that. It's pretty sad."

Mitch frowns. "Th-That's horrible," he says. "How do you know all of this?"

"It was on the news after his dad got sentenced to jail," Kirstie says. "You weren't around for it."

"That's sad," Mitch says. "After all that, don't you think he deserves a friend?"

"Well, of course. Everybody deserves a friend. He just doesn't let anyone get close to him," Kirstie says.

"Well, I'm going to try to talk to him-" Mitch says.

"Mitch, you shouldn't bother. He won't let anyone near him," Kirstie sighs.

"I'm going to talk to him," Mitch repeats. He looks up when the bell rings. He quickly gathers his things and runs up to Scott before Scott can walk out of the library. "Hi! I'm Mitch!"

Scott jumps, and instantly starts shaking once he realizes the boy was talking to him.

"What's your name?" Mitch asks, trying to ignore the fact that Scott was visibly shaking.

Scott doesn't say anything, and Mitch can't help but feel a little disappointed. He hopes that maybe if he tries talking to Scott more, than he'll come out of his shell, then they'll become friends.

"I heard your name was Scott...?" Mitch tries again.

Scott sucks in a deep breath, and then he mumbles something that Mitch couldn't quite understand, before he turns and walks away as fast as he can.

Mitch frowns as he watches Scott run away. He can't help but feel a little hurt.

"I told you it was pointless," Kirstie says as she stands beside Mitch. "He's not going to talk to you."

"I'm not giving up," Mitch mumbles. "I know I can get him to talk to me."

"Mitch," Kirstie sighs, and then shakes her head. "Let's just go. We'll be late for class."

True to his word, Mitch didn't give up on Scott. He would always try to talk to him whenever they passed each other in the hallways at school. Whether it was a simple 'hello' or even a 'how are you doing', or if it was him trying to start a real conversation with Scott.

Scott seems confused as to why someone was actually trying to talk to him.

"Do you want to come to my house later?" Mitch asks one day when he walks up to Scott.

Scott stares at him, shocked and confused that Mitch would ask him that. Nobody has ever asked him to come over to their house. Mostly because nobody ever speaks to him.

"Look, I know this is kinda weird. We've never spoken before. Well, I've spoken to you," Mitch begins. "But, I wanna be friends, if you'll let me be your friend. I promise I'm nice. I don't want to hurt you."

Scott bites his lip nervously, seriously debating on whether or not he should say yes. It would be nice to have a friend. He's just terrified of being hurt again, and he's afraid that if he gets close to Mitch, then Mitch will leave just like his dad did. After his dad left, he's had trouble getting close to anyone.

"O-Okay," Scott finally says, and Mitch's eyes immediately light up.

"Really? Oh my gosh. Okay. Do you have a phone? I'll text you my address," Mitch says.

Scott frowns and shakes his head, feeling a little embarrassed. He seems to be the only kid in the school who doesn't have a phone. Everybody else already has the newest iPhone, but not him. He can't afford to have an expensive phone like that. He would be happy with a flip phone honestly.

"Oh, well..." Mitch pulls his notebook out of his backpack along with a pen, and writes down his address, then hands the piece of paper to Scott. "That's my address. Come over after school, okay?"

"Th-Thanks," Scott mumbles, before quickly walking away from Mitch.

"Yes!" Mitch throws his fist in the air in victory. He was going to prove Kirstie wrong about Scott.

Mitch couldn't be more excited about Scott coming over to his house. He can't wait to actually talk to Scott and get to know him a little better. He doesn't know anything except for what Kirstie told him.

Around 5:30, there's finally a knock at the door.

"I got it!" Mitch yells, jumping up from the couch. He rushes over to the door, and takes a deep breath, before finally opening the door. He looks up and smiles when he sees Scott standing there. "Hi!"

Scott waves shyly to him, his cheeks already turning red.

"Come in," Mitch steps aside and allows Scott to come inside the house.

Scott steps into the house, and nervously looks around. The house isn't super large, but it's much bigger than what he has, and it's very warm and inviting. Scott likes that about Mitch's house.

"N-Nice house," Scott mumbles, trying to be more brave about speaking to Mitch.

"Thanks," Mitch grins. "Mom made cookies. Do you want some?"

"Okay," Scott replies, following Mitch into the kitchen, where he instantly smells the chocolate chip cookies. He can't remember the last time he had chocolate chip cookies. "They smell good."

"They're yummy," Mitch grabs two cookies, and hands one to Scott. "Freshly baked. I helped. We were gonna wait for you to come over and help bake, but I have like... zero patience." He giggles.

Scott can't help but smile at the sound of Mitch giggling.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Mitch asks as they walk into the living room with their treats.

"Um, d-do you have Jurassic Park?" Scott asks hopefully.

"Of course. My dad loves those movies. Have you seen Jurassic World?" Mitch asks.

Scott frowns and shakes his head. "No..." He replies quietly.

Mitch gasps. "Oh my gosh! You haven't seen it yet? We're watching it right now. You're going to love it," he runs over to the TV and quickly puts on Jurassic World. He walks over to the couch and sits down, then pats on the spot next to him, looking up at Scott with a smile on his face. "Come sit."

Scott stares at him for a moment, before walking over and sitting down next to him.

Mitch doesn't seem all that bad. He's actually kind of nice. Much nicer than the other kids at school.

Scott has never had a friend before. But if he did have a friend, he would want it to be Mitch.

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