prison lovers

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Summary: AU // Mitch gets sent to prison for something that he didn't do. But while he's there, he meets a cute blonde boy who happens to be his cell mate. Scott knows the prison like the back of his hands and he makes it his mission to make sure Mitch is protected.

A/N: I'm sorry if anything is inaccurate but hopefully you still enjoy the fic lol.

A/N #2: I can't believe that this fic has over 38k views that's so crazy to even think about! And we're also #393 in fanfiction which is even more crazier! Thank you guys xx


"I don't belong in here!" Mitch yells as the prison guard drags him to his cell.

"Yeah, that's what they all say," the prison guard mumbles before opening up a cell and tossing Mitch in.

Mitch gasps and quickly tries to run out but is too late. "Let me out!" he yells as he tries to open the cell. "I'm innocent! Haven't you ever heard of being in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

"Oh for fuck sakes, keep it down over there!"

Mitch jumps and looks over, seeing a blonde lying down on the "bed" with a book in his hand.

"Wh-Who are you?" Mitch asks, backing up against the wall.

"That's none of your business," the man says, not looking up from his book once.

"I don't belong here," Mitch sobs before sliding down the wall, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Get over it," the man sighs before shutting his book and sitting up. "How long are you in here for?"

"F-Five years," Mitch answers. "I didn't even do anything. I didn't stab anyone!"

"Wrong place, wrong time, huh? Story of my fucking life," the man says. He rubs his eyes tiredly and then looks over at Mitch and looks him up and down. Mitch is a short and scrawny little guy with brunette hair. He looks innocent but that doesn't mean he is. "My name is Scott."

Mitch looks up at the blonde and blinks a few times as he stares at him.

"Are you going to tell me yours?" Scott asks.

"Mitch," Mitch finally answers. "My name is MItch."

"Look, you're not going to survive in prison by yourself. Most of the guys here are buff and you're... um, well... yeah. So, just stick with me and you'll be fine," Scott tells him.

"Why should I trust you?" Mitch asks, frowning slightly.

"I've been here for five years, Mitch. I know this place like the back of my hand. I know everybody's names and I know how to get what I want. Would you rather be in prison alone, or would you rather have a friend?"

"I... I guess it would be nice to have a friend," Mitch says.

"Are you gay?" Scott asks. "You have to be."

"That's insulting," Mitch glares at him. "But, yes... I am. Is that accepted here?"

"Sweetheart, we're in prison where the majority of inmates are men. The only women that came around us are staff that work at the prison and they know better than to get involved with any of us. Does that help you out?" Scott asks. "We inmates have to get off somehow. Most of us help each other out."

"Oh," Mitch blushes. "Why did you want to know if I'm gay?"

"If I'm going to be helping you out around this place then I'd like to get something in return,"

Mitch rolls his eyes. "Forget it. I'm not going to be your little sex slave,"

"I never said you had to be my sex slave, Mitch. I'm not into that sort of stuff anyways," Scott sighs. "I was just saying that I'd like you to help me out every once in awhile."

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