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Summary: Scott and Mitch are in a secret relationship which soons turns not-so-secret.


"God, it's been a long fucking day," Mitch sighs before straddling his boyfriend.

"Baby, we shouldn't do this here-"

"It's the only place we can do this. We can't risk doing anything on the tour bus,"

"But we're in a dressing room. Someone could walk in at any second," Scott argues.

"Christ, Scott. Do you wanna do this or not?" Mitch asks, getting frustrated.

"Yes, but just be quiet and quick. Literally anyone can walk in at any- oh," Scott moans Mitch starts grinding on him. Scott places his hands on Mitch's waist.

Mitch leans down and kisses Scott's neck. "Do you know how long it's been?"

"Fuck- way too long," Scott mumbles. "Come on, Mitchie. Don't tease me."

Mitch smirks as he glances up at Scott. "Someone's a little impatient, aren't they?"

"Mitchell," Scott groans, lifting his hips up slightly.

"So impatient," Mitch chuckles before leaning to kiss Scott. He starts unbuttoning Scott's jeans.

"Mitch, we need to hurry," Scott warns, glancing up at his boyfriend.

"Don't rush me. I know what I'm doing," Mitch says.

Scott huffs, and then he tugs at Mitch's shirt. "Take this off,"

Mitch obeys immediately and then he tosses his shirt on the floor. He shivers slightly when Scott runs his hand down his chest. He smiles and starts kissing Scott again.

The kiss quickly turns into a heated makeout session, but they kiss is cut short when they hear a shriek, Mitch looks up and gasps when he sees Kirstie standing there with her eyes closed.

"Kirstie, what the hell?" Mitch asks as he quickly slides off of Scott. He reaches down and grabs his shirt.

"I thought it was safe to just walk in!" Kirstie yells.

Scott quickly buttons up his jeans and sits up. "How much did you see?"

"You can look now," Mitch says, chuckling slightly.

Kirstie slowly uncovers her eyes and looks up at Scott and Mitch, taking a deep breath. "Enough to know that there's definitely something going on between you two," she says.

"Okay, what was that yelling about?" Esther asks as she walks into the bedroom.

"Oh great," Mitch sighs as he throws his arms up.

"I told you," Scott hisses as he looks over at Mitch.

"Don't fucking blame this on me. You wanted it too," Mitch snaps.

"Yes, but I told you we shouldn't have done it here because someone could walk in," Scott snaps back.

"What's going on?" Esther asks, blinking a few times as she watches the two boys.

"I just walks in on Scott and Mitch half naked and kissing," Kirstie explains as she looks over at Esther. "That was an imagine I did not need to see either."

"What?" Esther yells. "I thought we talked about this?"

Scott stops arguing with Mitch and looks over at Esther. "Pardon me but we can't help that we fell in love,"

"Esther, you worry too much. Nothing is going to happen to the band," Mitch rolls his eyes.

"Oh yeah? What happens when you two breakup?" Esther asks, crossing her arms against her chest.

"Ew, don't say that. We're never going to break up!" Mitch yells.

"Yeah, we've been best friends since we were eight years old. We'll always be best friends," Scott says.

"Maybe we should talk about this later with the whole group. We have to leave soon," Kirstie says before walking out of the dressing room, Esther quickly following her after.

"Great, just fucking great," Scott snaps as he stands up from the couch.

"Come on, don't be mad," Mitch says as he looks up at Scott.

"I am mad!" Scott yells as he looks down at Mitch. "I told you this wasn't a good idea!"

"Don't fucking yell at me!" Mitch yells as he also stands up.

"They were never supposed to find out!" Scott yells even louder.

"What's so bad about them finding out, huh?" Mitch asks angrily.

"What?" Scott asks, blinking a few times.

"I hate that we had to hide our relationship. I hate that I couldn't tell people how much I loved you-"

"But we both agreed-"

"Well it was fucking stupid!" Mitch yells, his eyes watering up.

Scott's face softens the second he sees the tears in Mitch's eyes.

Mitch sniffs and then he starts to walk out of the dressing room, but stops when Scott grabs his arms.

"Baby, wait-" Scott pulls him back and pulls him into a warm hug, hugging him tightly.

Mitch instantly buries his face in Scott's chest as tears pour out of his eyes.

"It's okay, I've got you," Scott whispers as he continues to hold him.

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