moving forward

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Summary: Something bad happened to Scott when he was younger, and Mitch finds out, but luckily he's there to support him through it.

This idea is from TheAnimeCrew69 I hope it turned out okay!

Trigger Warnings: mentions of rape / rape flashback, be careful friends!!!


"Okay... why is Scott not at school? He never misses school," Mitch asks curiously as he sits down next to Kirstie at their usual table in the cafeteria.

It's lunchtime and Mitch hasn't seen his best friend all day which is totally unlike Scott because he never misses school. He's one of the smartest kids and always pays attention in class, and does his work.

"I don't know. I texted him earlier and he didn't text back," Kirstie says as she looks up at Scott.

"What are we talking about?" Kevin asks as he and Avi also sit down at the table with their school lunches.

"Scott isn't at school today. Any idea why?" Mitch asks.

"Hm. No... what day is it?" Kevin asks.

"September 15th, why do you ask? What does the date have to do with anything?" Mitch asks.

"Ah, that explains it. Scott always acts weird on this day for some reason. I tried asking him about it before but he completely shut me out so I never asked him again. I think something bad might have happened but I don't want to assume something and be wrong," Kevin tells them.

"That can't be right. If something happened then he would have told me about it. We're best friends, and... we always tell each other everything!" Mitch exclaims. "What on Earth could have happened?"

"I'm just guessing. I don't know if something actually did happen, Mitch. It's just... the way Scott reacted," Kevin says. "It's really weird. This is the first time he's missed school."

"I know. I mean... I don't want to make him upset... but I care if something did happen to him," Mitch says. "I think I'll ask him about it when I see him again. I think I'll go to his house after school today."

"Okay, but be careful with him. You know how sensitive that boy is," Kirstie says. "He's the sweetest boy."

"I know he is. I will be careful, don't worry," Mitch tells her. "I just want to get answers."

As soon as school is finished, Mitch goes straight to Scott's house to check on him, with the permission of his mom first of course. Mitch always has to make sure it's okay to go somewhere with his parents.

"Oh. Hello Mitch. We weren't expecting you," Scott's sister says when she opens the door and sees Mitch.

"I could say the same thing about you," Mitch says. "You usually don't visit around this time."

"Yes, well... I was missing family so I decided to come visit for a couple of days," Lauren says. "Um... Scott's upstairs. I'm not sure if he'll talk but you can try."

"Oh. Well... he wasn't at school today so I was just worried. Is he okay? Scott never misses school," Mitch says as he walks into the house, and then looks over at Lauren.

Lauren sighs as she shuts the door. "It's up to Scott if he wants to tell you but please don't pressure him,"

Mitch blinks a few times with confusion.

Now he knows something definitely happened to Scott, so he quickly rushes up the stairs. He knocks on the door before walking into the room. Mitch looks up and frowns when he sees Scott lying on the bed.

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