where are you now (pt. 2)

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part three???

If yes, what would you like to see happen? >>>>


Scott smiles as he looks at another picture that Lauren posted of Noah on her instagram page. He checks her page constantly throughout the day to see if she's updated anything about his little boy. It's really the only way he stays up to date with his son.

It's been five months since Noah has started living with Lauren in Texas. Scott misses his son like crazy but he knows that Noah is happy and loved which i all that matters to him.

Things were slowly getting better between Scott and Mitch but they definitely weren't back to their normal friendship. Mitch has been helping Scott get out of his depression and keeping his mind off Noah when he needs it which Scott greatly appreciates.

They even posted a new Superfruit video after over a year of not posting any videos. They want to start making videos again, they owe it to the fans. Besides, Scott misses Superfruit, and he thinks that this will help bring him and Mitch back to where they were before.


"Guess who's back bitches!" Mitch yells as he throws his arms up.

"We are not starting our first video back like that," Scott says as he looks at Mitch, a smile on his face.

"Why not? The kids will love it," Mitch smirks.

Scott rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Welcome to Superfruit. The best show on the internet!"

"You can't say that," Mitch says, shaking his head.

"Why not?" Scott asks, frowning slightly at Mitch. "Aren't we the best show on the internet?"

"We aren't the best show on the internet because we haven't posted in over a year," Mitch says.

"And why's that?" Scott asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Because someone had to go and have a baby," Mitch huffs and crosses his arms against his chest.

"I have no regrets. Look at this handsome little boy," Scott takes out his phone and shows a picture of Noah to the camera. "He looks so cute in his little Mickey Mouse outfit!"

Mitch chuckles. "We get it, you made a cute baby,"

Scott grins and puts his phone away. "So it technically is my fault that we didn't post in over a year but there were a lot of things going on and filming Superfruit was the last thing on our minds but we apologize,"

"Yeah, but things are getting better. A lot has happened but we wanna start filming again," Mitch adds.

"Hopefully you guys stuck around for us," Scott says.

"Our subscriber count definitely went down by a few hundred thousand, but we can fix that in no time," Mitch says. "Basically we just wanted to make this video to let you guys know that we're back and scomiche is better than ever... kind of." He looks over at Scott.

"We are," Scott wraps his arms around Mitch and hugs him tightly. "Nothing can tear us apart."

"That's right. Don't tickle me!" Mitch squeals as he hits Scott on the arm and pushes him away.

Scott giggles. "Comment down below what you would like us to do in the future. We love you guys!"

"Bye!" Mitch waves to the camera, and then he reaches over and turns the camera off.

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