leaked (pt. 2)

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"Are you and Mitch dating again?" Kevin asks as he sits in Scott's office with him.

Scott sighs and runs a hand over his face. "I... I don't know at this point. We're living together again, but we haven't really talked about what we're doing yet. It's been a couple weeks as well," he says. "I'm not sure if he still wants to be with me or not which really worries me."

"Well, do you still want to be with him?" Kevin asks.

"Of course. I love him, and I care about him," Scott says. "I mean... we were together for almost a year before those pictures came out and ruined everything. I planned on proposing to him. Like, I was going to buy him a beautiful ring and everything. I just want to be with him for the rest of my life."

Kevin raises his eyebrows, but he's not surprised. This isn't the first time he's heard Scott talk about Mitch this way. Scott could talk about how much he loves Mitch for hours. "Well, then I guess you better hurry up and make your move before Mitch changes his mind. You know how impatient Mitch gets sometimes,"

"I guess you are right. Losing Mitch again will break me. I don't know how I survived all those months without him. It was literally torture seeing him walk around here but not being able to talk to him,"

Kevin looks over as soon as there's a knock on the door. "Is that Mitch?"

"Probably. Come in!" Scott shouts as he sits up in his seat.

The door finally opens and Mitch slowly walks into the room. He looks up and is very relieved when he sees that it's just Kevin in the room with Scott. He knew he would have been in trouble if he had interrupted a meeting. Scott is a very serious person when it comes to his company.

"Am I interrupting something important?" Mitch asks as he steps further into the office.

"No, sweetheart. You're fine. We were just discussing the next big move for the company. Since the release of our new phone was such a huge success. We literally sold out the iPhone X. We just need to talk about what we're going to do next," Scott tells him. "Kevin is actually just leaving now though. I actually need to talk to you about something important if you're free for a few minutes."

Kevin looks over at Scott and nods. "Good luck," he whispers before standing up. He looks at Mitch and smiles at him before turning and walking out of the office, shutting the door behind him.

Mitch frowns as he walks over to Scott's desk. "What do you need good luck for?" He asks.

"Have a seat," Scott says as he motions for Mitch to sit down.

"Scott, you're starting to scare me-" Mitch says as he sits down in the chair.

"You don't need to be scared. We just have a lot to talk about," Scott assures him.

"And, this couldn't wait until we got home?" Mitch asks.

"I'm not busy right now, and... I really don't know if you'll be there when we get home," Scott says. He looks up at Mitch and sighs. "Things are pretty rough right now. Things aren't how they used to be."

Mitch bites his lip nervously. "Are you... breaking up with me?"

Scott chuckles. "How can I break up with you if I don't even know if we're still together?"

"We're living together, aren't we?" Mitch asks. "I thought that was enough?"

"But we never officially talked about us getting back together. We were apart for months. Yeah, you've moved back in but things aren't the same. We hardly have sex- and I know that's not what our relationship is all about but still, and you don't call me Daddy anymore like you used to. I mean, can you blame me for being a little confused?" Scott asks. "I just want to know where you stand with all of this."

"Oh," Mitch mumbles. "I didn't know you felt that way."

"I love you, Mitch. I just want to know if you still feel the same way," Scott says softly.

"Of course I do," Mitch instantly looks up at Scott. "There's absolutely no one else I would ever dream about being with. You're the only one that I care about and that I love."

"Okay," Scott takes a deep breath and slowly nods. "So, can we please go back to how we were?"

"Like, how?" Mitch asks as he rests his arms against his chest, leaning closer to Scott.

"Like," Scott mirrors Mitch, leaning against the desk, reaching over to grab Mitch's hand. "I want you to start calling my Daddy again, number one. I hate when you call me Scott." He shakes his head.

"Yes, Daddy," Mitch smirks. "Anything else you'd like?"

Scott grins at the smaller boy. This is the Mitch he knows and loves so much. "Just keep being your cute self, princess. That's all I want," he says. "Don't worry about hiding our relationship either. I saw how much that stressed you out last time and we can't have that. Everyone knows that we were together now. They wouldn't be shocked if we're together again. And, I was stupid to hide you anyways. I can't wait to be able to show my gorgeous boyfriend off to the rest of the world."

Mitch gasps and his eyes light up with excitement. He never thought he would hear Scott say those words. He carelessly climbs on top of the desk and then he slides onto Scott's lap, and kisses him passionately.

The kiss lasts for a good few moments, before Scott finally pulls away again.

Mitch giggles as he looks down at Scott. "I missed you so much, Daddy," he whispers.

"I missed you too, princess," he whispers back to him, gently pushing Mitch's hair out of his eyes.

"Can we... celebrate tonight? You know, it's been awhile..."

Scott chuckles. "You don't even have to ask, sweetheart," he smiles. He looks over when the door opens, and his eyes widen when he sees Kirstie walk into the office.

Kirstie looks up and squeals when she sees the position Scott and Mitch are in. "I should have knocked!"

Scott laughs, and Mitch quickly gets on his feet. "Kirstie, we weren't doing anything. You can look,"

Kirstie peaks through her eyes and sighs in relief. "I thought I was about to be scarred..."

"Is there something you need?" Scott asks as he stands up.

"Oh, no Sir. I just need Mitch for a little bit. But, it can wait if you two were busy..."

"We were just finishing up. He's all yours," Scott says. He leans down and kisses Mitch once. "Behave, and I'll see you at home tonight, okay?" He gently pushes Mitch forward.

Mitch giggles as he walks over to Kirstie and follows her out of the office.

"So, you two are back on?" Kirstie asks as she looks over at Mitch. "I thought you two were...?"

"We're officially back on," Mitch says with a smile. "We just talked everything out. Things were kind of awkward, but... I think we're going to be okay now. I was really worried that I was going to lose him."

"Not possible, babe. You can't get rid of me that easily," Scott says as he walks past Kirstie and Mitch.

Mitch rolls his eyes playfully and shakes his head, before looking back over at Kirstie. "Let's get back to work. God, everyone is going to be so pissed we're dating again," he mumbles.

"Screw those people. You and Mr. Hoying are perfect together," Kirstie says.

Mitch blushes as he looks up at Kirstie. "You really think so?"

"I know so. I mean, have you seen the way Mr. Hoying looks at you?" Kirstie giggles.

"Yeah, I have actually. Believe it or not," Mitch giggles as well. "I mean... where do you think he got the nickname 'Heart Eyes Hoying' from?"

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