happy new year's

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Summary: Mitch is feeling lonely on New Year's Eve, so he drinks, until a certain someone saves the night.


Fiji was absolutely beautiful and everything that Mitch could have asked for, and Mitch couldn't be happier spending the new year with his best friends, but even with being surrounded by people that he loved and cared about, he somehow still felt alone.

It seemed as if everybody but him had a significant other with them.

Scott had Alex, and Mitch had no one. He always seemed to be kissing some random stranger on New Year's Eve at midnight, but for once, he just wanted to know what it was like to be with a loved one on this 'special day'. But at this point, it seemed like that was never going to happen.

So, here he was again, drinking away his pain and problems.

Mitch had lost track of how many drinks he'd had that night, but honestly, he couldn't care less

Mitch glanced over and sighed when he saw Scott with Alex, laughing and having a good time, and Mitch hated that he was jealous because Alex was a nice guy and treated Scott perfectly, and Scott was obviously happy with him and Mitch would never want to come in between that.

But, Mitch was in love with Scott, and always had been.

Mitch ordered himself another drink of alcohol and took another drink. He was getting dangerously close to being drunk, and he knew he needed to stop himself from doing something stupid.

"1 minute!"

Mitch looked up when he heard someone shout.

One minute until midnight.

Mitch sat there, watching as everybody around him got with their loved ones.

"Fuck it," Mitch mumbled to himself. He took another drink before standing up, nearly falling over and losing his balance from standing up so fast. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he started walking out of the bar they had been in.

"10, 9, 8..."

Mitch started walking faster as soon as the countdown started. He could feel his eyes water up, and he didn't really understand why he was getting so emotional all of a sudden, especially when he had no reason to be. Maybe it was the alcohol inside of him.

Before Mitch could walk out the door, someone grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"Let me go," Mitch demanded. He looked up and was surprised to see Scott.

"Happy New Year's," Scott whispered as a smile formed on his face.

"3, 2, 1..."

Scott leaned forward and pressed his lips against Mitch's.

Mitch's eyes went wide with shock, but he didn't stop himself from kissing Scott back.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Scott pulled away.

"I-" Mitch was speechless, and he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself.

"You don't have to say anything," Scott took a deep breath.

"But, you and Alex?" Mitch asked, looking up at Scott.

"What about...? Oh, no, no. We're not dating, we're just... really close friends," Scott said.

"Are you kidding me?" Mitch asked, feeling like a complete idiot. "I..." He shook his head.

"We can talk about it later, but right now, there's no one else I'd rather spend New Year's Eve than with my best friend," Scott said. He reached over and gently grabbed Mitch's hand. "Stay?"

"Okay," Mitch took a deep breath and a smile formed on his face. "I'll stay."

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