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Summary: Mitch doesn't like seeing Scott dancing with another man at a club.


"Kirst, have you seen Scott?" Mitch asks loudly as he walks up to Kirstie and Jeremy. They were at club and it's been awhile since Mitch has seen Scott anywhere, and he's getting a little worried. He knows how Scott can get whenever they go to a club. He's sure Scott's already drunk by now.

"Not in a while," KIrstie answers. "He's not with you?"

"Well, he was," Mitch says. "Then I lost him. I'm getting worried.

"I'm sure he's fine," Kirstie says. "What's the worst that can happen to him?"

"You know how Scott gets when he has too much alcohol. He loses his mind," Mitch says.

"Found him," Jeremy says as he points towards the dancefloor.

Mitch turns and gasps when he sees Scott dancing with another man.

Technically, Scott isn't "cheating" as Mitch and Scott aren't officially dating yet. But they've definitely gotten closer with each other as they have been kissing each other and being more touchy, but they've never talked about their relationship. Mitch had real feelings for Scott and he thought they were getting somewhere with their relationship. Apparently not.

Mitch's eyes begin to water up slightly as he continues to watch Scott, hating that another man is all over him and Scott doesn't seem to care one bit.

"Mitch?" Kirstie asks, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, making him jump at the sudden touch. Mitch takes a deep breath and looks over at her. "A-Are you okay?"

"I... I think I'm going to go home for tonight," Mitch says quietly.

"Didn't you come here with Scott though?" Kirstie asks.

"I'm sure that Scott will find a way home. I'll talk to you later," Mitch says. He gives her a quick hug goodbye before quickly leaving the club as fast as possible. Mitch just wanted to have fun tonight with his friends, but his jealousy has to get the best of him and he hates it.

Mitch makes his way home and instantly collapses on the couch. He's glad that he didn't drink so much tonight or else he would have had to deal with a horrible hangover tomorrow.

Mitch wants to go to bed, but he's too tired to get up so he just settles down on the couch and cuddles with Wyatt while watching Spongebob Squarepants.

Mitch falls asleep and doesn't wake up until the next morning by someone shaking him.

"Go away," Mitch groans as he turns and curls up on the couch.

"Mitch, wake up,"

Mitch instantly knows that it's Scott, and he's almost a little afraid to turn around.

"Come on Mitch, wake up," Scott says, shaking him a few times.

Mitch sighs in defeat and finally looks over at Scott. "What?"

"What happened to you last night? You totally disappeared?" Scott asks.

"I disappeared?" Mitch asks as he sits up fully. "What about you? I didn't see you half the night!"

"I was dancing," Scott says, blinking a few times.

Mitch scoffs. "Yeah, whatever. How'd you get home?" He asks.

"Kirstie and Jeremy dropped me off late last night. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving early, Mitch?" Scott asks. "I was worried that something happened to you."

"Really? Because it looked like you were too busy grinding against some random guy," Mitch snaps.

Scott frowns slightly. "Didn't know I wasn't allowed to dance with others?"

"You don't get it!" Mitch stands up from the couch and shoves Scott away before storming off into his bedroom and slamming the door shut, leaving Scott completely confused at what just happened.

Scott sits in the living room and thinks to himself for nearly two hours before he finally stands up and walks to Mitch's room. He knocks on the door before pushing it open. He looks up and sees Mitch on his bed, painting his nails. "Mitchie?" Scott asks nervously as he steps inside the room.

"I really don't want to talk to you right now," Mitch says, not even looking up at Scott.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" Scott says. "But... can we please talk?"

"I'm a little busy right now," Mitch mumbles. "Later."

"No, not later. Now," Scott says. He walks over to the bed and sits down in front of Mitch. "I didn't know that dancing with someone else would have upset you so much. I wouldn't have done it if I'd known."

Mitch sighs. "It's not about the fact that you danced with someone else-" He finally looks up at Scott. "It's about the fact that you danced with someone else when I thought we had something."

"W-We never talked about it. I care about you and I love you. I just never know how you feel about me," Scott admits. "I know we kiss and stuff but that's all we've ever done, you know?"

"Well, you're an idiot if you thought I didn't have any feelings for you," Mitch says.

"Do you?" Scott asks, biting his lip nervously.

"Of course I do," Mitch rolls his eyes. "If I didn't... would I let you kiss me?"

"Mitchie, is it always going to be this way? I just... I need to know," Scott says.

"Do you want this to be more?" Mitch asks. "Because I know I do."

Scott smiles and nods. "Yes. Yes, absolutely. I want to be able to call you mine," he says.

"I already am yours," Mitch chuckles. "You just had to ask."

Scott scoots closer to him. He grabs Mitch's nail polish and sets it on the bedside table, and then he reaches over and kisses Mitch on the lips once. "I love you. I hope you know that,"

"Of course I know that, and I love you too," Mitch says. He gently cups Scott's face and pulls him down for another kiss. The kiss lasted longer this time. Mitch finally pulls away with a smile on his face. "Now get. You're ruining my nail polish."

Scott can't help but laugh. "Such a diva," he jokes before moving out of Mitch's way.

Just like that, things were back to normal again.

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