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Summary: AU where Kirstin thinks Scott and Mitch should be together so she comes up with a plan to finally get them together with the help of Kevin.


"Would you guys leave me alone? Mitch and I are just friends!"

"Then why do you look at him with heart eyes all the time?" Kirstin argues back.

"Heart eyes?" Scott asks, blinking a few times as he looks over at his friend. "What the f-?"

"You know, like when you look at someone with such love in your eyes. That's you when you look at Mitch but for some reason you just won't admit your feelings for him," Kirstin sighs and shakes her head.

"Kirst, I love you, but you guys always make things awkward between Mitch and I whenever we talk about this stuff. Mitch clearly isn't interested in me so just drop it, alright?" Scott snaps.

"You said Mitch isn't interested in you. Does this mean you're interested in him?" Kirstin asks hopefully.

"Kirst! It doesn't matter what my feelings are when he doesn't feel anything!" Scott shouts.

"No, he has to have feelings for you. You two are with each other every second of every day," she says.

"And when I'm not with him, he's with another boy. Always," Scott snaps.

"So that's like, never," Kirstin waves him off, and then she gasps.

"Oh no. I don't like the look on your face," Scott frowns.

"Don't worry about me. I've got a plan. I gotta go talk to Kevin asap. See you later!" Kirstin yells before running out of the cafeteria before Scott can even protest.

"Well, this can't be good," Scott sighs and shakes his head.

"What was that about?" Mitch asks as he walks up to Scott. "Kirstie seemed to be in a rush."

"She's plotting something," Scott says. "That worries me."

"Isn't she always plotting something?" Mitch chuckles, and then he reaches down to hug Scott.

Scott smiles as he hugs Mitch back, and watches him sit down in the seat next to him. "Good day?"

"It's been alright," Mitch shrugs. "I kissed a cute boy. That was the highlight of my day."

"I'm pretty sure at this rate I'm the only boy you haven't kissed yet," Scott jokes.

"Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa," Mitch says as he holds his hand up. "Way to drag me, sis."

Scott giggles. "Come on, you know I'm just messing around," he says, pushing Mitch playfully.

Mitch sticks his tongue out at Scott and giggles. "You're lucky I love you!"

Not the way I love you though, Scott thinks to himself sadly.

Kirstin didn't speak to Scott again for two days. Not because she was mad at him, but because she was planning something that had to do with him and Mitch and if Scott knew about it, he'd shut it down.

So Scott was very surprised when Kirstin showed up at his house on Wednesday night after school.

"Why haven't you been answering any of my texts?" Scott asks as they sit down on his bed.

"I have been. What do you mean?" Kirstin asks, looking up at Scott.

"Replying with a 'k' is hardly a text, Kirst. You know how much it frustrates me when people reply like that," Scott says. "Like, you might as well just not text me at all. You know?"

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